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  1. I was once subbed, and I was coming back to sub again, and I thought. "You know what? I think I will just buy the lifetime." I thought I remember it being $50-60... not $100. Did the prices go up?
  2. Is it OK to set the Windows mouse sensitivity to less then 6/11? For instance, I am currently at 900 DPI, 4/11 Windows, 1.392246 CS:GO for a roughly 33cm/360. I was doing it this way to keep a better pixel ratio but then still keep the Windows sense comparable to "in game" sensitivities.
  3. If I understand this correctly, with these settings I should be getting the same mouse movement to cover the same amount of vertical\horizontal pixels for hipfire vs ADS correct? While testing to see if this is true it doesn't appear to be the case for me. Measuring the movement on my pad it appears my aim is less sensitive (moving fewer pixels for the same mouse distance) while ADS when compared to hipfire. I then plugged in what the numbers would be in the calculator to verify my settings for hipfire vs ADS, and it says I am good, but measuring this in game its not even close, it is off by over a little over an inch of on monitor distance. Am I doing something wrong here, or not understanding what should be happening? For details on what I did to measure this, I would go into a custom game and aim at a spot on a wall with hipfire, then move my aim marker to the edge of the screen, place a marker where the mouse stopped on what was the edge of my screen and then I re-centered to my spot on the wall. I then would ADS, find the edge, move to that spot, and I always hit the marker before I get to that spot. Edit: I checked into this a bit more, and it appears the below setting are both yielding the correct 360/cm distances for both Hipfire and SMG ADS, measured at roughly 30cm for hipfire, and 37cm for SMG ADS. I must be missing something on how this is supposed to be working... I am guessing I need to read the instructions again. Edit 2: Ok, I have re-read the instructions, and think I have a better understanding about ADS and FoV, and it sounds like you can never get a real 1:1 pixel to pixel translation as FoV changes correct? So I guess my question now is are the default settings the best compromise\the best for aim consistency? In my case they are set to hipfire-360, windows/ads/scoped all the same at 0%/Scale 100%. Or am I still not understanding this all correctly?
  4. I think I understand. Is it bad muscle memory wise that seemingly every different type of weapon in CoD:MW has a different cm/360? From a training view what cm/360 should one focus on at that point? Or am I thinking about this the completely wrong way... Is this more of the same number of pixels moved per cm type of thing?
  5. In the calculator why does ADS cm/360 change when switching from Relative to Legacy in the settings? When it is set to 6 Sens, 800DPI, Legacy, AR ADS cm\360 will be roughly 35, when set to 6 Sens, 800DPI, Relative (0 coefficient), AR ADS cm\360 will be roughly 35. I thought Relative 0 coefficient and Legacy were supposed to be roughly the same thing?
  6. I think I read recently that depending on the 33** sensor that can be as low at 1800dpi, save the one that is in the logitech G502, that one scales better higher.
  7. I am a new member just getting into this whole sensitivity equalization business. I was an avid CoD:WW2 player, and just recently picked up CoD:MW(2019). I was having all kinds of problems in MW and just not preforming well when compared to WW2. After some reading and research I found that my sensitivity was WAY off from CoD:WW2 (way more sensitive) I manually (measuring mouse movement for a 360) started tweaking them to be roughly equal, but I wanted more, so here I am. I had some questions specifically about ADS sensitivity. I notice that the calculator doesn't give a 1:1 hipfire to ADS ratio. I was curious why that is? Now I am a complete noob here, so I am not criticizing. Should one not try to to have hipfire and ADS cm/360 the same? Is there a better ratio then 1:1 for hipfire to ADS? I am just attempting to understand how this all works . On that same line of questioning, if my ADS is going to be less sensitive them my hipfire should I have my ADS setup for my desired cm/360? Thanks in advance!
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