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Raven.'s Achievements

  1. Realm Royale sens: 14.4 ADS/Scoped: -5.5/-5.6 want to just try these two mix since they are the closest in terms of fov and third person style
  2. Alright time to do some testing! Thank you for the help!!
  3. Do I just try out each setup to see which is more comfortable?
  4. DPI: 400 INGAME: 4.55 ADS MULTI: 0.80 FOV: 110 RES: Native
  5. I need help understanding how to convert the ads sensitivity from Apex to Fortnite strictly ADS since I have AMAZING aim in Apex but I struggle with ADS in Fortnite. DPI: 400 INGAME: 4.55 ADS MULTI: 0.80 FOV: 110 RES: Native if you need more info I can give it.
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