Has anyone seen an eta for this update? Or, are we just getting a "It's in the works". My ocd is kicking in.
In the meantime, imma use this script. Thought you guys would like to see this.
// Titanfall 2 Origin Launch options: +exec 'anyname'.cfg
// Stuff this script in the cfg file, then stuff cfg file in ...\Titanfall2\r2\cfg\
// Change it to your sens first, then +sens is just times 2, crude fix
bind MOUSE2 +sens
alias +sens "wait; m_sensitivity 5.0; wait; +zoom"
alias -sens "wait; m_sensitivity 2.5; wait; -zoom"
DPI Wizard, if you may, could you get the turning radius of the red dot (the chevron) sight on like the carbine