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unbordeh last won the day on September 1 2024

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  1. On my previous comment i ment like, in general fps seem to affect the way the game shows proper input and feels really janky at times. So for ads values its relatevely the same?
  2. Yo chef, Ads sens feels absolutely horrible in this new CoD at times even tho its like mw3 but they really tweaked some values of them. Ive seen in forums it might be even attached to fps so at points transitioning to ads aim get really slow and throws you everytime. Also ads on my end i feel from rifle to smg is different using 1.3 multiplier saved me for the ride. For having it like it was legacy 1.00 on mw3 is it actually the same? thx
  3. So for an actual 1x for example using a reflex do we go with -0.25x? I´ll asume its the same for holos and stuff. Have not cheked nor used any 2x to know if there is any kind of calibration but yeh. Does pupil distance affect at all?
  4. What defines a 1.05x, 1.1x, 1.15x and so ingame? Ive seem you can calibrate Zoom and pupil distance but for the same setting like reflex where it seems you can add 0.25x or -0.25x and none of the scopes is specified if theyre 1x or 1.1x etc. I might have also missed where it says so but i cant seem to find it.
  5. Ads for 360 calculations feels a lil bit too fast, might be my own placebo but, also, when doing the 100% monitor distance all ads values are the same for every single gun. Is this actually right because wasnt actually sens different for every gun?
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