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Everything posted by slime

  1. Hey all, What's the verdict on picking an ADS sens? Is it best to have your hipfire and ADS 1:1? Or do you guys prefer to have your ADS scaled to 75% of your hipfire sense? Would love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions about the topic.
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys. Looks like I'm playing CS:GO in native resolution or not at all.
  3. Could changing your resolution or aspect ratio in-game negatively affect your muscle memory? I'd like to use a different resolution and aspect ratio in CS:GO, but I'm worried it will negatively affect me if I go back to 1920x1080 when I pick up another FPS.
  4. The Wizard has added TFA to the calculator.
  5. I found the Game Requests thread
  6. Can we get a calculator for The Forge Arena? It'd be much appreciated!
  7. How do I get my Fortnite ADS sens to be like my Black Ops 4 ADS sens?
  8. Best way to convert your sens to a new game if there's no calculator for it? I'm in NEED!
  9. Thank you for clearing this up for me DPIWizard!
  10. After using the mouse calc, whenever I ADS, my sensitivity feels as if it is "anchored" or very, very slow. Has anyone had this issue before using this mouse-sens calc? Even if I set my controls to default, ADS is abnormally slow.
  11. What sensitivity am I suppose to input under "Sensitivity 1" for Siege?
  12. I see that Island of Nyne: Battle Royale is in the calculator, but there is not "supported games" thread for it.
  13. is there a preferred option to convert to sens wise? I notice the sens changes between viewspeed's 1 & 2 versus 360 distance.
  14. Do I input my overwatch sens under sens 1 for rainbow 6: siege?
  15. I'm not sure which Viewspeed version to use or what FOV type. Do I just copy & paste "MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit" into my config?
  16. Looking to emulate my Overwatch sens for Siege. I'd like to use the config file, but there has been a lot of variables added to the calculator. May someone give me a hand? I'd like to match my OW hipfire for all sensitivities for Siege (Acog, Hipfire, Ironsights). OW - 2.75 in-game/1600 dpi 103 FOV 24 inch monitor
  17. I successfully converted my Overwatch sens for Destiny 2 hipfire, but what do I do for the ADS multiplier if I want it to be identical to the hipfire sens? Also, have they fixed the FOV discrepancy?
  18. Your work is appreciated!
  19. Since there are sliders instead of actually inputting your sensitivity with a value, what is the best way to calculating your sens? Also Raw Mouse Input ON or OFF?
  20. Call of Duty WWII is in open beta for PC. Which Call of duty game should I use in the meantime to find the closest sensitivity to my Overwatch sens? Is there another method I could use in the meantime while we don't have a calculator for the game? I'm currently using 2.75, 1600 DPI (Overwatch).
  21. I noticed that PUBG now has config files 1 & 2 in the calculator. What is the difference and if I want to make it as close to my Overwatch sensitivity, which one do I choose?
  22. The calculator for Fornite gives me two options for sensitivities: Hipfire (config) & Aim (config), but I'm only able to input one sensitivity. Is it possible to have two different sensitivities for hipfire and AIM?
  23. I dont have "Saved" after going to ForniteGame. What gives?
  24. I was having issues finding the config for Fortnite. Where can I find it?
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