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  1. So as long as it is the brightest of green, all is good? As long as it's under +/- 1% basically just don't think too much on it?
  2. I know this topic is super old but desperately wanted to find a post regarding this topic before making my own. For games that don't allow you to edit config or just simply don't use non-whole numbers, what is an acceptable % discrepancy? I have bad OCD tendencies to make things 100% as best as possible by altering DPI values to allow me to obtain closest match. I want to presume that as long as it's a bright green color, it is perfectly within margin? Then obviously as it becomes yellow-ish green, you're beginning to deviate slightly too much. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank You
  3. ... sigh ... well I guess it's good the Viper V3 Pro allows to change DPI in increments of "1" since the advanced mode tells you the closest DPI needed to match the cm/360 ... it's just a bummer that something that's available for PC doesn't even have that. Always thought things like that was standard
  4. Since we're able to use the .cfg to get exact ADS values for low zoom and high zoom, would it not work correctly if we did the same thing for hip sensitivity? Or does the game just completely not register decimal values at all whatsoever?
  5. I also just realized I was dyslexic and stated 178% and not 187% like the original post stated Also yes. After inputting the request and showing the results. I didn't declare that it would spit out so many varying values. As i'm confident the OP wanted a uniform setting.
  6. I could be wrong. But if you're games current monitor coefficient settings are at 1.78 and you'd wish to convert it to a 0.0 coefficient, I believe you need to make sure the above settings for ADS Monitor Distance - Vertical and Monitor Distance-Vertical is 178% for both. Which would give you ADS values as 1.0 for which you have MW currently set at. So to find out what ADS sensitivity you need, you'd pretty much change "Sensitivity 2" under Convert To for the 2nd part as 0. Which would pretty much spit out all the ADS values for 0 coefficient setting for MW Below is the ADS settings that should spit out what you'd want to convert the feeling of 1.78 coefficient to 0.0 for the ADS values you'd want
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