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Everything posted by mtlcoco17

  1. thank you! you’re my savior
  2. last month, I bought lifetime membership because I like your site’s system and your site was the thing I was finding. I had studied a lot from understanding the ways your site told me how to use them. the problem is that the lifetime membership I told you was expired and I didn’t know that because I wasn’t using your site for a time because there was a big exam of my school(the term of the exam can be different from your country, TMI : I’m Korean, south) Could you please revive Order #398510 (lifetime membership) of my account? plz.. plz.. I want to get lifetime membership of your site.. your site is awesome and if you grant my request, I’ll make your site famous in my country!
  3. Thank you for replying my questions
  4. do i have to trust 30.xxxxxx or 0.008xxx ?
  5. last question, so i changed sens 30.971895, 0.008327 but it had changed to 30.971895, 0.008335 also 30.972928 became to 0.008336 what is wrong with it??
  6. but if you see the first picture and the second picture, it is same with lastconvert 0.008327 in normal and also the another ones, but in sensitivity=?? has different sens they must had the same mathematical formula, but the results are different as you see the game performances can be same, but i want to be sure with it
  7. but the standard of the sensitivity is 30.972928 i tried lastconverted 0.02 and sensitivity 30.972928 and it changed to 30.972928, 0.008335 i think there is some errors with making 0.008335 to 30.??
  8. LastConvertedSensitivity=?? does match but Sensitivity=?? doesn't match + 30.971895 is 0.008335 and 30.972928 is 0.008336 there must be some errors
  9. Was there any discount like blackfriday? Want to buy 59.9 permanent but too expensive lol
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