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  1. what is the windows 6/11mouse to mac equivalent
  2. native res
  3. 800 dpi
  4. Hi, i just want to know my ads value from valorant to other games sens 0.492 ads 0.863 thanks
  5. Hi guys, i need some help, so In the past I used to play with 400 dpi and 2.1 and default awp scope (i think is 1) , but now i switch to 800dpi ( i play csgo) FOV from csgo: 68 (Classic fov) Resolution 1920 x 1080 So my question is What values do I have to use for 800 dpi and AWP scope zoom (1) , this are the games i currently play Overwatch CSGO apex legends thanks!!!
  6. Hi guys, this setting (Auto-calc ADS FOV) in the game it gives from 0-3 (I think) and says that I have to leave it on, but I don't know what value, I hope you can help me thanks.
  7. All right, thanks for ur help m8
  8. or should I leave it as you put it?
  9. Its all right, another question the FOV Type if i change it, this action will affect the settings? i dont understand this setting
  10. Nvm i thought the link expire, my bad
  11. Hii, can u made another setting with the same config please, thankss
  12. thank u so much!
  13. hi guys, i'm a little new on this website, and i would like to ask for your help to convert my settings from cs go to valorant please. Here are my settings * Sens: 2.0 *Raw_input 1 *DPI 600 Zoom: 1 (Default) Res: 1280*1024 and alwayyss (1920*1080) Monitor size 24.5 windows 6/11 Thanks guys, I hope I don't bother you much, have a good day :) if i forget some setting let me know.
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