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  1. ok thanks. i was fairly sure it wasnt gonna be a QcK and lightweight mouse
  2. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Mouse_acceleration this is what i use for disabling mouse accel in Manjaro. should be same 'idea' in other distros.... create and edit a file in ---> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-mouse-acceleration.conf Necro coz i was looking for this answer too.
  3. https://www.omnicalculator.com/math/arc-length this is the site i used for the calc, in case you were interested
  4. ah, yes. i see how it is the same as the radius now xD many thanks for the reply
  5. Could someone tell me how, maybe a formula, I would find the distance 'Z' given a chord length 'C' and central angle. Many thanks.
  6. i have the opposite issue.... low zoom feels fine, high zoom feels too fast (using 0% monitor distance).
  7. I am currently using 84% in BF4, for no real reason, but it feels acceptable. Ill try 88.9% thanks for the infos.
  8. ok many thanks for the time and infos
  9. So is there a mathematically viable coefficient that sits between 0% MDV and 100% MDV. The reason I ask, is because 0% MDV (although feels great when getting used to it) sometimes feels too slow, and 100% MDV sometimes feels too fast using scopes. Is there a recommended MDV between 0% and 100% that uses a known rationale? Thanks
  10. Hi, Is there a list of any other mathematical alternatives to Monitor Distance Coefficients of 0%, 100%, 133%, 178%? Ive seen some mentioning of 56.25%, but is that vertical or horizontal? Are there any other monitor coefficients that can be considered, while also being backed up by a mathematical rationale such as gear ratios etc.... I would be very appreciative if a list could be made with a quick explanation as to how the figure is derived. Many thanks.
  11. in a game like CSGo go ahead, use accel. You're alwasy aiming at standard, known points of interest and angles that never change ie doors, windows, edges of walls that you play consistently time and again. Other than that, mouse accel is not something that should be promoted. I really don't think mentioning anybody gives any more justification, you're just name dropping. Regardless, I stand by what I said... accel is a niche topic and irrelevant to 99% of the playerbase.
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