i have been using this website for a while now and its really helpful, i have been using the sens calculator and fov, but today i may have relised that i have been using it wrong. I lauched Diabotical and my aim was really off, this was due to my fov being far greater and it confusing me on the actual distance of the target. With relising how important FOV actually is i decided to double check its correct on all games, now i use CSGO's 90 FOV, and i run 16:9 at 1920x1080 native.
While converting FOV's i seen a drop down box called FOV type and i have been aware of this option for a long time, but i thought every game has a type it measures its FOV in, but i never understood why it was changable, i am now questioning if i have converted my FOV correctly due to the FOV type, i always leave it on the default and after changing it i am getting 2 different FOV values. So for example on apex Legends my fov is either 104 or 92 depending on my fov type. Thanks for any help provided