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  1. ok i will set as you told me. thanks for your time as always. have a nice day
  2. ok thanks dpi wizard. Where is the link you told me? so as i posted the screenshot is ok?
  3. I have activated only one slider on pubg for Optics, and is 35. Thing is that when i put all the data that calculator gives mi on codmw2019, the ads sens is faster than the pubg sens. I have check this messauring 45° on ads, and to match it i have to put 0.73 in codmw2019 for low zoom optics and not 1.00 as the calculator says. Iam missing something i dont know what is it. fov are 100 in both games Sorry for mi english and sorry to bother.
  4. mi scope ades in pubg is 35. But as i did is not supposed to convert all? sorry that i dont understand. Have a nice day
  5. Yes is set in game as it is in the calculator, adsfov affected and adsmouse sens relative
  6. mi ads pubg is 35, and in codmw2019 affected and relative are set in game
  7. hello guys Iamn trying to convert mi pubg sens to codmw2019. The hip fire is ok, but when i ads with reddot, the codmw sens is whay to high compared to mi pubg sens. I have to put 0.73 on low zoom scopes on codmw to match mi reddot pubg sens. If i let the values as the calculator says, there is no match beteween low zoom scopes. please help. Have a nice day
  8. Where i change that %? Thanks DPI wizard
  9. hello guys. Is this correct? beacause when i ads without sight it feels way to fast. and another question is, when i run (with shift) the mouse movemment turns really slow and i dont know why. and where i change the turning speed thing to 0%? please check mi calcukator if it is ok. and the last, wich is the best fov for use in tarkov? i have read that fov in tarkov is affecting the shoots. have a nice day and thanks
  10. I need help to convert mi pubg sens to codmw2019 i use 100fov on both games, mi question is if i have to change Vfov on the config file? It is like the photos below? Thanks
  11. Ok thanks, what means MVD 0%? And any kind of method to find the sens? Sorry for bothering you.
  12. Ok thanks DPI lord. Another question, wich method you recomend yo finde tour sens in games?
  13. hello every one. I need help, i want to make mi pc of home to feel the same that mi pc at work, i use more the pc of work and i like more the sens of that pc. At work i have a 1000 dpi mouse with a 1920x1080 24inch monitor and 5/11 in win At mi home i have an 2560 1440 27 inch monitor with a mouse that i can put the sens i want, and 6/11 in windows. the calculator says that i must use 1000dpi too is that ok? IS THAT OK? THANKS
  14. hello dpi wizard, please help me out to convewrt mi pubg sens to mw2019

    On mw2019 i use affected fov and realtive on  aiming. thanks and sorry for mi english and fov in mw2019 is also 100 like pubg


  15. ok thanks, and the scale must be on 100% ? i thought that mw2019 uses 75% scale? thanks for your time, and another one, i should use relative aiming? for changing the coeficient to 0? the last one, why fov is 83.58 if i use 100fov on mw2019? thanks mate for your time
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