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Everything posted by kiriyama

  1. Hi anyone know which of these settings feel more like CSGO? ADS transitioning timing: Gradual, after zoom or instant?
  2. Hmm makes sense let me try it out thanks for the help.
  3. Is there a way to get similar zoom sens from csgo to cod? CSGO 2.2 sens 1.0 zoom sens 1280x960 stretched COD "7.3333" sens 1920x1080 fov 106.26 Got to this number unsure if I did it right can someone confirm? setcl 1878342628 "1.69334" this is the one for the zoomed sniper scopes.
  4. Hi im trying to go from CSGO 1280x960 to MW 1920x1080 but cant seem to get the Relative/legacy coefficient numbers right. Could someone maybe help. CSGO sens is 2.2 on 400 dpi thanks. COD fov is 90 EDIT: Not sure if I've done it right but I've got these results using MDH 0% did I do it the right way?
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