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Fluffy Kalashnikov

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  1. When you create a project inside of Unreal Engine it asks for a template, from which you can choose the FPS template. I can't find any updated videos of doing it in the newest version 4.26.1, but here's something at least: I recommend taking the C++ one as character handling is really expensive in Blueprint compared to C++, and therefore I don't believe most of the FPS-games released uses it
  2. Name: Unreal Engine 4 FPS Sample project Website: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/ Status: Released Release date: 2014 Availability: Free Mouse smoothing is enabled by default in the project settings.
  3. This shows the issue better, and I'm pretty convinced that the actual FOV is slightly wrong on Titanfall and Apex at least since the calculation was a lot more accurate. Also, the FOV slider in Titanfall just visually round off the numbers, so using cl_fovScale like in Apex is a lot more accurate :3 I should also probably had zoomed in on the examples, but I guess you got the point
  4. I'm used to have 90 as the vertical FOV in games, and since the Source engine is kinda whack I've also used this site to get which FOV I should have by trying numbers until I got to the closest one. Which in this case was 106.2602. Today I tried to calculate the FOV by moving 45 degrees (((360distance / 360) * 90)/2) to where the top of the camera was in Titanfall 2, a game made with Source. After that I also tried it in my Unity project, and it was different, despite the 360 distance being pretty much the same. After that I went into Minecraft to test it, where I'm sure the FOV is 90, and the Unity project was much more accurate. After that I tried 90 * (90/73.739795), which results in 109.8457081 as the ingame-FOV in Titanfall 2. This is a lot more accurate than before, and makes more mathematical sense, but just in case I'm stupid you might want to test it out.
  5. Good, because I've contacted the support, and they really think it's my hardware. It worked perfectly fine before except that it didn't like decimals, so this is a complete downgrade.
  6. Hello, recently I've had problems with the MoveMouseRelative() function in my Logitech scripts. For instance, when I type in 120, the character rotates slightly to the right. But, when I type in 130, the character rotates slightly to the left like if the value was negative. The strange thing is that it doesn't make sense at all, as typing 125 doesn't make the character move 60 - 130 degrees. Completely ridiculous. The problem is the same for values like 10000 and 11000. Does anyone else experience this problem? The software is updated.
  7. Name: Traitor Town, RobloxWebsite: https://www.roblox.com/games/255236425/Traitor-Town?refPageId=0b517796-63f4-4049-b8e4-cff8abcfad9aStatus: ReleasedRelease date: 6/3/2015Availability: Free
  8. Hello :3 Does anybody know any kind of software for calculating the actual FOV in games? I haven't implemented ADS to my trashy Unity Project yet, but it might come in handy later for debugging when I do. Thanks as always!
  9. Hello, I experimented with a similar script and CS:GO doesn't like it :cccc 360DistanceScript.lua Edit: I fixed it, it automatically switched to profile to the game I played for, which ment that I played on a profile without the script enabled. Huge thanks anyway for this post!
  10. Huge thanks, I've mimicked the Source sensitivity now :3
  11. Hello, I’m making an awful FPS game in Unity and wonder if theres any other methods than inaccurately manually moving my mouse to calculate the 360 mouse distance. Is there any mouse-cordinate-software or something else that allows me to accurately set the position of the mouse? The calculations on my favorite games in this site feels extremely accurate, so if all of you have been doing it manually you’ve all done a really great job.
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