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  1. Is this a personal preference? I think there's probably plenty of demand for older games on the calc! If you ever get around to explaining your methodology, I'm happy to contribute results. (I'm also interested in Bioshock!)
  2. Seems legit to me but I don't play games with anti-cheat mechanisms so I don't really care either way. Interesting idea. I'll have a look at it.
  3. Yeah. Big +1 for this! Only recently started playing it online and I was surprised by how many people are still on there!
  4. Ah, that's unfortunate! http://kentie.net/article/dxguide/index.htm Try using this. Everyone in the DX multiplayer community uses it. It has an option for disabling mouse acceleration. For those who still struggle, we usually use the MarkC mouse fix but, as you probably know, that affects your mouse settings globally.
  5. Thanks mate
  6. This is the one I want more than anything else. Should be similar to UT99 and easy to do!
  7. This is kind of a question but also just interesting information for players of several games that aren't in the calculator. As you probably know, there are some games missing on the list for which the sensitivity can be deduced from known facts. For example, Left 4 Dead 1 will be the same as L4D2 because all Source engine games use the same sensitivity scale. Additionally, I tried every Id Tech 3 game I play (OpenArena, Urban Terror and Return To Castle Wolfenstein) with sensitivity values obtained from the Quake 3 calculator and they all worked as expected, according to several ruler measurements. I can't generalise the conclusion to all Id Tech 3 games but I'm convinced enough by the empirical evidence to withdraw my requests for the games I mentioned. I'll just use the Q3 calc! Are you using deduction in addition to analysis?
  8. There doesn't seem to be a thread for Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Can we get one please?
  9. My personal favourite game of all time!
  10. Seconded support for this! Great little game!
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