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  1. very likely it is but haven't seen this happening with any game, my hardware is not so low end I think, I use an i59400f with gtx 1660
  2. I think I'm not the only one who is suffering from this problem, the developers need to fix this because each time we see players with a rate of 8000hz polling rate
  3. testing several other settings, apparently found the problem and I'm really frustrated with ea and dice, changing the polling rate of the mouse from 1000hz to 500hz my sensitivity stayed normal and matched with what I calculated on the site
  4. yes raw input is on and my pov too
  5. analyzing better sensitivity changes all the time, and when the fps gets lower it gets worse
  6. as much as i change the settings my sensitivity gets lower than normal, I use 30 cm to give a 360, and always changed the sensitivity by the game files, worked perfectly in battlefield 4 and v but in 2042 it gets 5 cm more or something around it, I do not know what else i do, somebody help me please.
  7. and when I saw the site notes about removing this problem, I tried to add this to the command line and I didn't get the result I wanted, I believe this is the root of the problem because in the ark I just needed to change the variables and in this game I I had to add this
  8. I already had a problem like this with ark survival evolved but doing some research I saw an article that talked about removing the acceleration of the mouse, and it worked my sensitivity was like that of the site
  9. yes i checked and the sensitivity matches what was put in the game files
  10. I'm configuring my sensitivity for the game files, I leave everything just as it is on the site but my sensitivity doesn't match anything, I've tried to add the files that remove the mouse acceleration but it doesn't work. Can someone help me ?
  11. obrigado pela resposta, mas eu encontrei o problema, na verdade, o que estava acontecendo era que o site foi calibrado para usar a taxa de pesquisa de 1000hz e eu uso 500hz i just took the amount that was there and divided it by two and i found it.
  12. I play on the MK ps4 without adapter and using games that have mouse and keyboard support and I used the mouse sensitivity to keep my sensitivity equal for games like paladins and fortnite and it always worked with conversion even distance conversion, but on MW COD converting distance and from game to game presents in the calculations a very high sensitivity almost the triple of which I use and wanted my 360 ° sensitivity of that 13cm but on the website I was not successful, can someone help me?
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