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  1. Thank you so much! I was driving myself crazy trying to do it manually without success, lol. I use your service each time I get a new game and it's saved me so much headache. I really appreciate you helping me with this. My bad for clicking the wrong setting, lol.
  2. Sorry I don't have a screenshot of my previous config that I entered for R6S, but I have the settings of the game I converted from. I swapped from 70% ADS to 75% recently so that's why I marked it, lol.
  3. Can someone help me with my magnification settings? Idk how I'm supposed to input these into the game properly? This is the image I saved just before my sub ended so I can't re-enter my settings using the 'in-game' option. I thought 'config' would be better for accuracy, as it is in most games, but I didn't realize it's done differently for R6S. Unless I'm missing something here? It seems like this conversion is for me to change "ADSMouseMultiplierUnit" to the conversion EACH time I swap scopes. This isn't what I was after and didn't realize it til now. Wishing I would have just done the 'in-game' conversion instead, even if it meant a bit less accuracy, lol.
  4. If BFV defaults to 133% coefficient, what Coef should I use in BF1? If I use 133% in BF1, should I just match all my sensitivities from BFV/4? 16:9 1440p.
  5. I noticed this earlier! Thank you so much! Really makes everything super simple!
  6. Why Vertical over Horizontal on MD, though? Is there a specific reason, or is it down to preference? Thanks. Nvm, just read the instructions. It's tied to the game's FOV, I assume. What if my ADS percentage isn't 100%, though? I use 70%, and setting the MDV to 133% still gives me values of 140ish.
  7. When trying to convert my BFV settings to another game, why do my coefficient settings go to what seems like a bunch of random numbers? I'd like to be able to switch it to what I use/what was default, which is 100% on all sights. Default coef is at 133. Why does it says 100%-142% throughout the scopes? Does this even matter when using the Uniform Aiming option? Worried it may make a few conversions messy.
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