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Everything posted by CaptaPraelium

  1. When USA is off, each zoom level has it's own hard-coded sensitivity. In BF1, this is the same as USA on, coefficient 1. In BF4, the hardcoded values are.... Strange and inaccurate. In addition, USA causes sensitivity to scale with FOV during the transition from hipfire to ADS, whereas without USA, the sensitivity 'jumps' immediately to the zoomed value as soon as you begin the transition.... So it will feel different anyway. TL;DR just use USA.
  2. Would love to get cavalry added to the calculator Also settings for each of the vehicle types... My heavy tank is about right but many of the others (armoured car for example) are pretty off.
  3. That's good news, and new. BF4 used to have a hardcoded sensitivity for each weapon's ADS FOV. I might actually try not using USA. Thanks for taking care of the vehicle stuff! Time for me to mention this site on battlelog...
  4. Kinda hyped for vehicles!
  5. LOL that was fast as!! I got the data, copied it and it was already here XD Do you have that stored on your clipboard or something ahahah
  6. You're a machine Sorry about letting my sub slide. I'll update that and be sure to pimp out your site heavily. Expect some traffic in the next 24 hours
  7. Extracted from the game. DPI Wizard will post all the FOVs for subscribers in the calculator any day now Quickly: 10x = 5.95 8x = 7.45 6x = 9.9 5x = 11.9 4x = 14.8 3.5x = 16.9 3x = 19.7 2.5x = 23.5 2x = 29.2 1.5x = 38.3 1.25x = 45.2 1x = 55 There are others for vehicles and pickup weapons etc. but I'm sorry I'm in a big rush and DPI wizard will have them in the calculator soon Which reminds me I need to update my subscription, sorry about that Wizard!
  8. FOV for 8x is 8.7 (vertical of course) Edit Sorry!! I misread this. BF4 is 8.7 BF1 8x is 7.45
  9. There is. I'll get it for you shortly. Gotta find the exact files, which will take a little bit, but I wanted to post, in case you are fighting sway to do this manually
  10. Gah, I messed up the post, how do I delete this? Sorry XD
  11. GG! And thanks so much for sharing the formula with us! Great work!
  12. LOL, I asked ethereal to come over here to give you a hand...I guess you won't need it now Nice work!
  13. The base sensitivity is not effected by FOV, but Uniform Soldier Aiming, is. The calculator at present assumes a coefficient of 0, but the Wizard is working on it Just a tip, did you disable DX12? A lot of people said that helped with "sluggish" aim in BF1. Then again, a lot said it didn't. Still, maybe worth a shot. Anyway, that's probably one for the BF1 thread...
  14. That explains it I have 10k hours in BF, I know all that other stuff, it's the CSGO side that I was wondering about.
  15. Thanks man yeh I understand that from your previous posts, but as I asked, that begs the question, in BF we have a zoom sensitivity, so what's the eqivalent in CSGO?
  16. What's CSGO's equivalent to BF's zoom sensitivity ratio then?
  17. Why would you do that? Then zoom sensitivities won't match because the USA coefficient doesn't match. Again, the reason BF uses 1.33 as coefficient, is because CSGO does. So if you're trying to match CSGO, would it not make sense to leave the coefficient at 1.33? What was wrong with the settings he posted the first time? They were correct.
  18. Dude, you don't know how to calculate a percentage? As above, coefficient should be 133%, to match CSGO.
  19. 1000x this.
  20. What's your FOV in BF? Sorry, doesn't matter GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.017558
  21. Uhm bro... I just mentioned, BF uses coefficient of 133% to copy CSGO. Also, there's this really cool website that you can use to calculate sensitiviies between games..... XD
  22. No probs bro you're most welcome. USA is kinda totally confusing
  23. No not really. The default ratio is 133%, regardless of your aspect ratio. This is the way it is set out of the box and the way it is recommended to leave it (refer to the linked thread on battlelog by ethereal). The problem is that the farther you go from the centre of the screen, the less accurate the aim becomes. This is a result of the distortion of the screen to make a 3D scene appear on your 2D monitor. You can easily see this by standing near a tall, straight object like a tree or tall building (or a light pole in BF4). That straight object will appear curved like you are looking through a fish-eye lens As a result, if you attempt to make the circle too big (coefficient far above 100%), then you actually have less accurate aim at the edges. This is why it is specifically recommended to NOT set your coefficient to match your screen aspect ratio. For example, 16:9 would be a 177% ratio (16/9) but is not recommended. 133% was chosen because 100% could feel a little 'sluggish' at higher zoom, and especially, because that's what CSGO uses, and this mechanic was 'borrowed' from that. 0% gives you a constant movement speed under the cursor rather than a constant ratio of mouse-movement:screen-movement. So, your "correct" coefficients would be either 0, 100, or, *most* correct would be 133%. ccmike wants to do something special, and set it to 50% of the horizontal width of his 16:9 screen. In that case, his answer is (16/9)*(50/100)=88.888888%
  24. And now you see why I said that you should specifiy "horizontal" - because if you don't, people will give you the answer for 50% *vertical*, which is 270, which is not what you want. Do you understand? Your answer (88.8`%) was correct, but your question (50% of screen) was not ....
  25. I know how it works bro. When you say "50%", because the game is using vertical FOV, then you are saying "50% of the distance from top to bottom of the screen". Your aspect ratio is irrelevant here. If you are considering your aspect ratio, then you're considering horizontal FOV.
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