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  1. I am a professional Rainbow Six Siege player, and I am trying to convert my Siege sens to Val. However when it says "sensitivity" is it asking for ADS or hipfire? https://gyazo.com/2012b2998737e87f1cc479751fd69559
  2. Yeah this feels more right thank you for all the help
  3. https://gyazo.com/f2410b0247318e461ad7e0a09fd34bc2 https://gyazo.com/9313be76b43369661ddaba96029297f1
  4. Yeah 55 ADS and 800 DPI. It feels to slow in Apex
  5. Huh it doesn't feel right. Is it possible I could add you on discord and talk to you there or no?
  6. And this is on 16:9 or 4:3 in apex. Cause Apex really doesn't support 4:3
  7. I run 85 FOV also I play 4:3 in siege should I run 4:3 in apex or 16:9
  8. https://gyazo.com/631b380733a6f34884b42ad61e136e97 PLEASE HELP
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