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Yangjo last won the day on June 6 2024

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  1. Echo Point Nova fully released, but I believe the old demo sensitivity values do not feel the same as the current game's. When I convert my sensitivity to the full game, it feels slower.
  2. Name: Diabotical Rogue Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2805060 Status: Early Access Release date: 6/4/24 Availability: 14.99$
  3. Was wondering: Is there's a difference in sensitivity feeling between these 2 resolutions (1024x768 -> 1920x1440) 4:3 s t r e t c h e d on a 16:9 monitor? Upping resolutions within same aspect ratio. I've used 1024x768 stretched for years in CS:GO, but with my updated hardware, I think I can perhaps up my resolution. However, I can't help but feel like it's harder to hit things with that higher resolution, despite this resolution being on the same aspect ratio. Currently using a 1440p 16:9 monitor, so the older res I've been used to playing on is extremely pixelated on it. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=db159482910f854274beefed0f04e829 Seems everything would befit the same sensitivity values here, unless I'm doing something wrong? Is the DPI what's causing a "different feeling?"
  4. ...And if I wanted to convert from hipfire, which you said would be ideal? Unless this is already calculated for such.
  5. Would adjusting my FOV be the only thing that would affect my sensitivity here? Seems adjusting anything regarding resolutions or aspect ratios doesn't affect it. I could just adjust my FOV as I deem fit and input the sensitivity values it gives me then?
  6. default values, so at 1.00. I would feel like converting from that hipfire sensitivity to my zooms would be extremely fast for scopes that would be so zoomed in. However, I'm willing to try either/or. Preferably, what would be most consistent.
  7. Long ago, I had converted my sensitivity from CS:GO to Siege with the end result being this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=77a76f544d5dcbd1e31dcafced07d5a4 My CS:GO sensitivity was 2.1 @ 800 DPI, with a stretched 4:3 - 1024x768 resolution, with my native resolution of 2560x1440. I did not account for those additional variables, nor did I account for Siege's FOV (78) and in-game aspect ratio settings set to 4:3 stretched. ... But because I used those settings for so long, I tried to calculate my previous Siege settings to the new ADS update. Here is that sharelink: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=99da995cfe338c3e3b315fb08f9072da I'm wondering if I should start over, as I feel like these settings may be inconsistent. Back then, I believe I tried to convert the sensitivity from my AWP's default zoom sensitivity values from CS:GO to use as my Siege's sensitivity while ADS, while keeping hipfire 1:1 with CS:GO. My questions are this, how do I account for the in-game settings of aspect ratios in Siege? What would be the best option to convert 1:1 across my ADS values? Is my MVD 133.333% and 117% scaling incorrect when I converted my previous siege sensitivity to my current?
  8. With the new major June update: Steam Build: 3930144, there is an option within Gameplay called "Sprint Sensitivity Reduction" which you can turn off or on.
  9. if you could, please add Mordhau, it just released today!
  10. Has Intruder been requested yet? Would like that to be added.
  11. Deathgarden is available to try for free on the steam store, could you add that to the calculator?
  12. Oh man, my bad. I just saw the post, I had this thread open.
  13. Insurgency Sandstorm? Currently has a preorder beta going on.
  14. Do you think you can add ironsights/aim down sights sensitivity to dying light? I know you have hipfire, but I think it'd be cool to have specifically the ADS sensitivity converted.
  15. It still feels a bit off, but one thing I noticed when I changed my FOV on the calculator, the output sensitivity to change it to changes as well for 360-degree conversion. Usually, for 360-degree conversion, I know FOV wouldn't affect the output sensitivity. https://i.gyazo.com/f3d1653b50774470e982b74e0a71858b.mp4 Besides that, doing a full swipe on my mousepad feels lower on Deep Rock Galactic (230~ est. degrees), while a full swipe on my mousepad for CS:GO does almost a full 360 in-game. (330~ est. degrees) My CS GO sensitivity is 2.1 @ 800 DPI. I also found the config location for the Windows 10 version of the game. Path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\CoffeeStainStudios.DeepRockGalactic_496a1srhmar9w\LocalState\FSD\Saved\Config\UWP Config file: GameUserSettings.ini EDIT: Some other games also have this issue on the calculator, the 360 degree calculation methods? Vermintide 2 on the calculator seems to also do this.
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