Long ago, I had converted my sensitivity from CS:GO to Siege with the end result being this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=77a76f544d5dcbd1e31dcafced07d5a4
My CS:GO sensitivity was 2.1 @ 800 DPI, with a stretched 4:3 - 1024x768 resolution, with my native resolution of 2560x1440. I did not account for those additional variables, nor did I account for Siege's FOV (78) and in-game aspect ratio settings set to 4:3 stretched.
... But because I used those settings for so long, I tried to calculate my previous Siege settings to the new ADS update. Here is that sharelink: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=99da995cfe338c3e3b315fb08f9072da
I'm wondering if I should start over, as I feel like these settings may be inconsistent. Back then, I believe I tried to convert the sensitivity from my AWP's default zoom sensitivity values from CS:GO to use as my Siege's sensitivity while ADS, while keeping hipfire 1:1 with CS:GO. My questions are this, how do I account for the in-game settings of aspect ratios in Siege? What would be the best option to convert 1:1 across my ADS values? Is my MVD 133.333% and 117% scaling incorrect when I converted my previous siege sensitivity to my current?