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  1. Ahh gotcha. Makes sense. Tyvm
  2. Pasted my calculator settings. My confusion is with the conversation setup and it seems to change depending on game. For Fornite should it be just 100 MDH? Or should ADS and Scope also be adjusted?
  3. Alright. Thanks. I need to look up guides
  4. My csgo information is below. Below is what it tells me to use fort COD. I never changed the fov. SHould I be using 90 then because csgo says config 90?
  5. Ah sorry I am new to all this. Should I care about the fov at all? I see other options like the ones below. I just care about mouse sensitivity and hdeg v and h are throwing me off. I play in 1920x1080 Config FOV: Actual VFOV: Actual HFOV
  6. Hello all! Just discovered this site and even got the premium and could not be happier. Translated to COD well for me. I now want to do this for OW but with OW having a fixed FOV idk what to do. My csgo settings for FOV are default.
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