So, Right now I still use Hip-fire > viewspeed > Scope
But as of late I have actually been wondering if matching the 360/cm across Hip-fire > Scope would be better for the long term.
It wouldn't feel like I will have proper muscle memory but, I would able for example. When i play Widow, to track a tracer that is basically trying to blink behind me. So i can stay scoped and flick to him or turn faster towards him.
But, I don't know if it would have more downsides than actually just keep on running View-speed.
Don't get me wrong, i think View speed is awesome it has improved my consistently a bunch, but I can't stop and wonder what it would be if I were to consider matching 360/cm.
I'm not smart enough to actually figure out its pros and cons, and that was why i was looking for some insight on the subject.
This all matters to me because I'm trying to actually break through as a hit-scan and every little bit helps me, already pushing tier 2 at the moment and i want to get a hold of every edge I can get.
All I'm trying to say is that I'm not a perfectionist just looking to get a hold of the best possible method that will get me the furthest.
I literally don't want to change my sensitivity anymore because I want to keep it as consistent as possible.