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NoMaD.oW last won the day on June 29 2017

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  1. DNAMTE method is actually insane. Possible the best thing I have seen in years. Flicking in any game, from Widowmaker in Overwatch to Hand Cannons In Destiny 2 I have like 95% muscle memory. I at the very least run 700 DPI on my Desktop (6.9669cm 2d distance) and just 360 Distance match it across games. it varies per game what my cm/360 is but it's near perfect and identical. I try to do the same with ADS, like Widowmaker, Ana or Hand Cannons in Destiny 2. I'm still going to try this out in other games, but so far it feels flawless. edit; or maybe somehow I read it wrong, but I'm pretty sure this method is really, really good.
  2. There's a big chance you're using a different FoV, in that case it will feel different unless you match it. Either too fast, because the FoV is too low. Or Too slow because the FoV is Higher. It's a perspective thing I mean, I could be horribly mistaken, but try checking if that matches.
  3. So, Right now I still use Hip-fire > viewspeed > Scope But as of late I have actually been wondering if matching the 360/cm across Hip-fire > Scope would be better for the long term. It wouldn't feel like I will have proper muscle memory but, I would able for example. When i play Widow, to track a tracer that is basically trying to blink behind me. So i can stay scoped and flick to him or turn faster towards him. But, I don't know if it would have more downsides than actually just keep on running View-speed. Don't get me wrong, i think View speed is awesome it has improved my consistently a bunch, but I can't stop and wonder what it would be if I were to consider matching 360/cm. I'm not smart enough to actually figure out its pros and cons, and that was why i was looking for some insight on the subject. This all matters to me because I'm trying to actually break through as a hit-scan and every little bit helps me, already pushing tier 2 at the moment and i want to get a hold of every edge I can get. All I'm trying to say is that I'm not a perfectionist just looking to get a hold of the best possible method that will get me the furthest. I literally don't want to change my sensitivity anymore because I want to keep it as consistent as possible.
  4. Yeah hope so too, kind of bothers me because I want to atleast match my 360/cm from overwatch to Destiny 2 but I can't because the FoV is off. Not sure where to like ask them for it. i tried the feedback forums but your post ends up getting buried heavily.
  5. The FoV gets bigger when you go in 3rd person. You notice it on "The Farm" I'm assuming that is where you get the max FoV and they aren't telling us that the 1st person FoV is less.
  6. You're a god, that's so fast.
  7. Unfortunate, might explain why my aim felt so off after having played it yesterday. I ended up scrimming in the night and it was just all off. Might just grab a controller and not touch it with a mouse for a while. Thanks for checking man!
  8. Yeah you are absolutely right. I just thought the concept of the game looked cool. I usually look away from those games.
  9. Any way you can check out Agents of Mayhem? I know its going for full retail price which is a feelsbadman. :/
  10. Strike Vector EX : http://store.steampowered.com/app/476360/Strike_Vector_EX/ Looks somewhat promising would be lovely if this could get added at some point
  11. Can we get Fortnite DPI Wizard? It's nearing Early Access now,. should be open for founder pack buyers tomorrow.
  12. For sure! Anything helps, I'm sure it's pretty noticeable on extremely low FoV when you jump from 130 to 20 or something stupid because of x15 zoom. generally never experienced that much fov zoom because I dislike it extremely and always try to consistently keep my zoom somewhere in the middle with games.
  13. I mean, the current equation feels alright even across sensitivities I'm pretty consistent with flicking and turning 160 for shots. Whether it's a 1st person with completely different FoV, whether it's ADS or if it's 3rd person. By any means if it can improve i don't see a problem with it, but I don't think it should feel too fast. It might just be due to the FoV lowering and everything just seems to move faster.
  14. What about Argo? it's a f2p game based off arma 3 http://store.steampowered.com/app/530700/Argo/
  15. What about Fortnite? Seems to hit early access on the 25th of June I believe. Edit , my bad I misread June, it's July. too early to request it it seems.
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