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  1. Makes sense thanks! I always find it weird converting sens from kovaaks since it always feels of for me but much appreciated!
  2. Thanks much appreciated! I know this time it might not be specifically cod since I know some that are not cod are not on there as well but I have two questions. does this change the outcome of the converted sens from kovaaks to smite for example much? Also do you have any idea why cod is also mostly left out of settings in applications? I find cod just gets left out like the game is a joke in egneral? I know this time like stated above it is not specifically cod just curious is all! Also thanks for all the uipkeep and responding you do as a community we appreciate it!
  3. I mean as in this to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
  4. To be honest I am just more curious why there is no sensivity scale for call of duty?
  5. Ok then thank you! the 100% felt to quick for me there but not as qucik as before! So hopefully I am getting somewghere xD. thanks for all the help.
  6. Ok then! Thanks for all the help! will the instructions page tell me every way I can covert my sens like you gave me the option of the monitor distance rather than the 360cm way?
  7. Ok thanks I will give it a go. So what does trying it at 100% do different than if it is 0%?
  8. I guess it is just putting the % to the right up to 100%?
  9. Thanks! That is interesting just tried a game out while it felt better it did feel slow still. I don't know why but this always seems to happen. When I try to match my sens from a game to another game the feeling is always to slow or fast and never feels right makes me confused about it honestly.
  10. Ok then thanks! Can I ask why we are using this instead of the 360cm way instead? I am just interested
  11. Ok then thank you! How do I work it out myself then?
  12. Sorry to be a pain but I might as well ask this then. I seem to find across alot of the older cods anyway that it does not go as high as the newer cods in term of FOV so I seem to have different FOV for alot of cods depending on their settings for FOV. So which would be the best way to get the same feeling and sens across all the games I play? Thanks for the help and again sorry to be annoying.
  13. So I have converted my sens from black ops 2 to modern warfare 3 and all the infomation I have selected below in the screenshot is how I have done it. But the aim feels quicker so I am making sure that I am doing it properly. Sorry to be a pain and thanks for all the help.
  14. Unfortunately my mouse only goes up and down in increments of 100 thanks anyway!
  15. Ok then thanks would it be better to change the DPI on the fly in general to match it or just to keep 1 DPI? I don't mind changing DPI from 2 games. Also thanks for the explanation.
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