In Hunt: Showdown there are several modes of aim that all have their own sensitivities and FOV. The ones I'm aware of are lowered, raised/hipfire, and ADS. I play gunslinger with the "Keep lowered state" toggled on meaning I hardly ever hipfire. I'm almost always either ADS or in a lowered state. From what I understand there are independent sensitivities for Default which I assume is lowered state, Shoulder Aim which I assume is hipfire, and Aim Down Sights which is ADS for 1x weapons. For whatever reason (FOV change while lowered/ads?) my sensitivity feels drastically different when going from lowered state to ADS with the ADS feeling much slower. What I'm looking for is my sensitivity to feel the same between the two states. Is there a way to achieve this?
Additionally I think the settings are a bit confusing and not immediately obvious. In another forum post ADS vs hip fire setting was explained but goes unexplained other than stating "Choose which you prefer." It's difficult to know which I prefer if I don't understand what I'm choosing between. Maybe a brief explanation on the calculator itself would make things more clear.