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  1. Sorry for slow reply, I've been hectically busy over the last few days. Thank you for all your help. I did think of one more question with regards to Scale: Is it best to use 100%/1.0 ADS. I would assume that this would equal a 1:1 hip:ads sens but is that even the best option?
  2. Right, I'll bear this in mind. And on a final note, what's the advantage of using MDV over MDH? Does it matter which one I use? I've tried MDV and none of it feels comfortable at all.
  3. And with regards to Game -> Game vs Game -> Windows/Desktop -> Game: which one is better?
  4. So, I've been doing some research into Windows/Desktop monitor matching, and without much success in the other options I decided to give it a go; but it still feels off. I've been trying to translate between Vanguard, R6 (4:3), BF2042 and Apex to no avail. I've used all different methods but none of them still feel right at all. MDV at 0%, 56.25% and 100% but still nothing. Does anyone have any pointers? Do I 100% need to use the same FOV in different games? If so, should I match VFOV or HFOV?
  5. Is the Vanguard one still accurate? My sens feels way off using the values from the calculator.
  6. Name: Battlefield 2042 Website: https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042 Status: Open Beta Release date: 6th October Beta, 19th November Game Availability: Free Beta, Paid Game
  7. What are the downsides to using MDH X% over MDV 0/100% when translating from a game such as Siege or BF4, which uses a VFOV; to a game like COD that uses HFOV; or even a game like Apex that uses H4:3. Or even, using 360 distance over a Monitor Distance
  8. Is it best to use 360 distance for hipfire? or does MDV/MDH work for hipfire too?
  9. I know this has probably been discussed on this forum somewhere before but how would I go about translating games between FOVs and Aspect Ratios. I frequently play Apex, Siege, Warzone, Cold War and BF4. Each of them uses a different type of FOV and I feel comfortable using the FOV values that I have defined within those games, it's just the sensitivity that throws me off. Apex is 1.495, 16:9 (106 on the in-game slider) Siege is 84, 4:3 stretched Warzone is 110, 16:9 (Not sure if Affected or Independent is better here?) Cold War is also 110, 16:9 (Same as above) Battlefield 4 is 90, 16:9 (Not sure if ADS Scaling should be on or off) Any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Thanks a lot for all the help. Enjoy the rest of your day
  11. Thank you for all of your help. I will head into a few matches and try these settings out to see if they're working for me. Is it normal that with MDV 0% on both all the scope sensitivities come out at the same value? but with 100% they're all marginally different. Which one do you think would be better for an arm player?
  12. I see. I think i understand that now. So using "All" on both sides of the conversion would be the best way to get an accurate reading, correct? I followed some of the pro settings for Warzone and they use 1.0 for both High and Low zoom. Would you recommend instead trying to find a different zoom for one or the other?
  13. Sorry, by other options I meant the difference between the first 100% and Scale 100%. What does Scale do differently than the first 100%? And sorry to keep bothering you, I know you're probably busy with other users and such but, which option do I select in the drop downs? Is it more effective to select "All"? Or convert each Magnification differently? Do I put "All" on both? I'm not quite sure which option should be put into the "Aim" slots on the "Convert From/To" sections
  14. So for the ADS and Scope, I put MDV 100% and Scale 100%? And what is the difference between both of the two options underneath MDV (the unmarked box and the one marked Scale)?
  15. Would I set both the ADS and Scope conversions to MDV 100%? Or is it different for both? I assumed as much regarding the discrepancy. It's nice to see Ubisoft finally add Granular Scope Sens to Siege after 5 years but the rigidness of the system is still a problem. Games kinda need decimal sens nowadays
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