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  1. thanks
  2. I do not even have the same distance in 360 ° , did I make a mistake?
  3. okay thank you
  4. I think this is good how can i know what is the type of Apex FOV and PUBG FOV ?
  5. I feel the aim slower than in Apex when I use the scopes what are the differences between the FOV type, maybe it comes from there I have a basic multi FOV for Apex and Hdeg Res for PUBG, how do you know if it's good?
  6. Apex FOV : 110 Pubg FOV : 103 and third person
  7. I wanted to convert my Apex Legend sensitivity to Player unknow battleground I have 3.2 in Apex and 1 for all scopes with 110 FOV that's what it gives me for PUBG at 103 FOV: For the scopes, the sensitivity is unmanageable and does not match the one I have for the viewfinders in Apex Only the hipfire seems ok
  8. Hi, I have the paid version of mouse sensitivity and I can not get identical settings on my games, I even compared the sensibilities of some pro players from one game to another and I can not find either same mouse sensitivities. Is the site reliable? Is it me who does not know how to use it? Thank you for your answers
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