Ive mostly played CS in my active Days, from source to go. I feel like, the PSA Method works just fine to find your own sensitivity, even if I struggle to keep it the same because I have this shitty mindset that I feel like if I miss shots or something like that: maybe I should switch sensitivitys higher or lower or even do the PSA over and over again, when not warmed up, when warmed up and so on.
I don't know how to get rid off this problem in my head :/ Maybe you guys have some serious suggestions? I really want to get a sensitivity and settings right where I feel confident with and don't struggle with the need to change something.
I've tried so many settings, I usually play on 400 dpi and 1.7 ingame, but I've changed higher and lower etc.
I have so many hours in cs, around 4500 now I think and I still struggle with this bullshit. I don't get my problem fixed with this mindset thing.
Second question, I've started to play the new cod, any ways in there to find a sensitivity or just convert from cs for example? Cuz I think in cod it's more about the movement and so on.
Please help me :(
Thanks guys and have a nice one! <3