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Everything posted by jabbothehut

  1. Ah i see. Thanks for clearing that up! I'm a complete noob when it comes to this really technical stuff. Thanks for your help dude! I will leave the coeff. at 133% as recommended then.
  2. so 88.8% is the correct coefficient for 16:9 aspect ratio then I take it?
  3. awesome man thanks a lot!!
  4. was wondering what I should set my coefficient on Uniform Soldier Aim as if I want to keep the same sens across all scopes
  5. seems to be a pc one as well apparently
  6. Thanks so much! Wondered why my hipfire felt so jerky and wierd.
  7. I know it's a bit old but could you please add an ads "guide" for Medal of Honor: Warfighter? Thanks!
  8. does anyone know what the ads to hipfire ratio is on this game?
  9. ah thanks a lot man! will check it out! also just a quick question, how did you work that out?
  10. are the ads sliders off or something? when i set soldier zoom sens to 60% it feels waaaaay too slow compared to my sens on r6 siege which is 60% ads too
  11. bf1 beta please! turns out the settings dont match up to the bf4 one apparently!
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