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Everything posted by jabbothehut

  1. So just a quick question. If I have uniform soldier aim on in BF1 (at 1.33 coefficient), zoom sensitivity set to 1 on CS:GO, and match my optics at 75% screen distance (relative to my hipfire) on Rainbow Six Siege; they should all match up to give the same sensitivity "feel"? Is this correct?
  2. oh dayum
  3. will there be a calculator for the aimed sensitivity?
  4. Sure thing! Will send you one when i get home!
  5. Could you do ghost recon wildlands when the beta comes out please. I can send you an invite if you have'nt recieved the email from ubisoft inviting you in.
  6. I second this! There are now scaling options for scopes and irons in the game! Would be so good to have those calculations!
  7. can anyone explain how zoom and fov changes differ? say a game like bf3 for example. I know that the sensitivity is reduced by 50% on a red dot sight but that the fov changes as well. Is the zoom only provided by fov change or is there something more?
  8. anybody know the hfov value for the acog?
  9. how do I get the same ration in rainbow six siege between hipfire and acog to be like the uniform soldier aim on bf1 at 133% coefficient? do i just do "measure screen distance at 75%?
  10. so do bf1 and csgo bot use match at 75% screen distance for the scopes then? I'm just trying to get a sensitivity for the acog on rainbow six siege that would have the same ratio as those 2 games.
  11. How would I get the ratio between the hipfire and acog to be the same as the ratio in bf1/csgo which is 133% coefficient? Do I just do measure screen distance from hipfire to acog at 75%?
  12. yet again pls give this man a nobel prize <3
  13. Oh sheeeeeeet so are calculations only valid with ads fov on right now or off?
  14. if you change the fov value it assumes you're using ads fov option on. If you're not using it then leave it at the default 55. Edit: I may be wrong! DPI Wizard will know!
  15. Depends dude. If you're a big fan of bf3/bc2 then I would recommend leaving it off so you get that zoom when in ads. From what I've gathered if you want the same zoom level for irons in bf1 as you didn in bf3 with rds/kobra then set sights to 2.00x zoom, turn on ads field of view, and then set your fov to 72. Should be pretty much identical when in ads in terms of zoom for iron sights. However you're gnna have to change your sensitivity for zoom to half your ads hipfire to get the same exact feel as bf3. Sorry if you've never even played bf3. Was just using that as my reference point as it was my main fps games for ages. If you're a big fan of csgo however then i'd say keep the irons at 1.00x zoom and turn on ads fov option to get no zoom as it will feel more natural. Also make sure that uniform aiming option is on to get a 1:1 ads hipfire sensitivity to mimic csgo.
  16. You sir need to be awarded a nobel prize. Just messed around with the calculator and found that out as well (always seem to answer my own damn questions lol). Yet again thanks so much for taking time out of your day to do all this for us. As the meme states "not all heroes wear capes".
  17. does using "ads field of view" affect the FOV for any sights apart from the obvious 1.00x zoom?
  18. Just a quick question that may sound really stupid and/or basic to you analysing gods. When I set the "ads field of view" setting to on in bf1 I suppose it only affects the 1.00x zoom level of magnification. So if I was to set my irons to 1.50x magnification the Fov would change to the default Fov for 1.50x zoom regardless of the setting being on. Is this correct or am I wrong? Edit: To make myself clearer what I mean is that with the setting off the game would change your fov to 55 when you ads with 1.00x zoom and to 38.something with a 1.50x zoom. My question is that with the setting on I know that the 1.00x zoom remains at your manually assigned fov but what I'm asking is if your 1.50x magnification still goes down to 38.something? It should right considering that it's supposed to zoom you in?
  19. thanks dude! you beast x2
  20. oh my goodness you beast! could you do the one for iron sights in bf3? I can't seem to get a solid value on it anywhere
  21. Awesome! thanks so much for all your work btw. Tremendous job and super helpful to all of us who stress about our sens
  22. never mind I figured out what I just said and look silly . anyway are you planning on doing a scope section on the calculator for bf1? sorry if you've already answered this on the forum up till now but I have not been following for the last couple of days!
  23. many thanks. I don't understand why these games have the values they say they have for fov if in reality it's completely different.
  24. just a quick question I noticed that there is a config fov value and a actual hfov value on the calculator. if I want 2 different games to have the exact same hipfire fov, do I set the config fov on game 2 to end up having the same actual hfov value as game 1? Or does this not matter?
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