So as we are all aware on this site there was a lot of debate as to whether 0%, 100% or viewspeed was the correct way to convert sens across fov's.
I myself settled for 0% as it made the most logical sense on paper and wasn't a completely arbitrary number. However over the last few days I started to notice that so many r6 pros use the famous ads value of 83 which of course means your ads sens with a red dot is the same as your hipfire sens. I used it for an afternoon and found that my shots were so much faster, smoother and even my tracking than on 0% despite the fov change.
I then changed the value to 1:1 the acog sight which has a much lower fov and as expected it felt like AIDS. This got me thinking. Why does it feel great on a low zoom sight and like shit on a high zoom. Well what i noticed is that at minimal fov changes the eyes dont even have the attention to notice such a small fov change especially when focused on the xhair and therefore a change in sens throws it off especially when moving.
You can physically feel the fact that the brain has to make less calculations in order to acquire the target. I will test this out further to try and find how the acog zoom fucks with my brain but in meanwhile would anyone who has knowledge of the brain/eyes like to put in some input? @DPI Wizard thoughts?