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  1. Here are my settings
  2. It's me again ^^ I got used to playing with 1.78 in ads (low zoom and high zoom) on modern warfare. How should I do to have the same sens of 1.78 in ads on Apex?
  3. Okay thank you so much !
  4. Hello, being very bad in English I allow to answer in this post for my question. For modern warfare I would like to have exactly the same feeling in hipfire as in ads. Because I am training on kovaaks and not all the exercises are done in ads. Thank you in advance for your answers
  5. Okay thank you so much
  6. Merci de prendre le temps de me répondre Donc si j'ai bien compris j'ai juste à entrer les mêmes valeurs de fov et de sensibilités et j'aurais la même sensibilité sur les deux jeux ? Thank you for taking the time to respond So if I understood correctly I just have to enter the same values of fov and sensitivities and I would have the same sensitivity on the two games?
  7. D'accord mais comment avoir le même ADS de MW (0.80) sur Apex Legends ? Okay, but how do you get the same MW ads (0.80) on Apex Legends?
  8. Hello, I apologize in advance because I suppose that the subject is already treated, that there are certainly tutorials for what I am going to ask but as my English is pitiful I cannot manage to do what I want. I would like to convert my MW sensitivity to play Apex Legends but I can't. What I have a problem with is ADS mode. If someone could help me it would be very nice Bonjour, Je m'excuse d'avance parce que je suppose que le sujet est déjà traité, qu'il y a certainement des tutos pour ce que je vais demander mais comme mon anglais est pitoyable je n'arrive à faire ce que je veux. J'aimerais convertir ma sensibilité MW pour jouer à Apex Legends mais je n'y arrive pas. Ce qu'il me pose problème est le mode ADS. Si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ça serait très sympa
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