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Thanapon Kumlue

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  1. payday 2 seems to have different sensitivities for aimed and hipfire. I think its just that the perspective makes it move way too fast when zoomed down with a scope, makes it very hard to aim.
  2. Could you add a calculator for aiming in payday 2? would be much appreciated, thanks.
  3. Hello, I'm not quite sure how to use these calculators, if I use 800 dpi with a normal windows sens and a 1366:768 resolution that means it would take me 1366/800 inches to move from one side of the screen to the other correct? and that is equivalent to a 180 so a 360 would be about 3.4 inches correct? How come the calculator is returning values for me that attempt to put it at a value of about 6 inches per 360. Also how come the number is variable, some games result in a 5.8 inch per 360 others are above 6. Im trying to get the settings correct for all the games i play but I just can't seem to get it right and I need help.
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