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  1. Ah ok that makes sense guess ill do mdh100 to make the 1x's playable in ABI Thanks for the clarification!
  2. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=25c91b084af604b7425fa34f8c89573d ---- Conversion from Osu to Arena breakout : Infinite https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=7fe27e77b3a02e3a4ce005ff8232fc49 ----- Conversion from Osu to CS:2 cs2's conversion is vastly slower then AB:I's {At least in testing all the 1x's in AB:I} which caused confusion since shouldn't it 'feel' the same if I'm doing the exact same conversion? or is this some sort of FOV thing I'm not fully getting {didnt convert hipfire in those calculations since I mainly wanted the ADS values only but does me not putting in a hipfire value somehow make the ADS"s not convert properly? }
  3. currently playing Osu on 650 DPI 1.00 and was wanting to convert it to my ADS sensitivity's {just for fun} but keep my same hipfire sens {36.5cm} but slightly confused how id do that...would it be 100%MDV? to match desktop or is it something else? whatever way to take my mouse movements in desktop and move them to 3D space thanks in advance : )
  4. Okay thank you so much for explaining all of it! appreciate the replies and help
  5. I will thanks! honestly just looking for the {almost} same feeling of 360 distance just a bit more precise, Ive seen people use MDV and MDH is vertical just more optimal or do they give the same? and is there a reason people go beyond 100% like some at 133 and 200% if thats outside of the edge of your monitor? or just personal preference things? {Sorry for the flurry of questions been trying to ask around about this for a bit and just now decided to make a post for it lol}
  6. I've been playing alot of Hunt: showdown which requires heavily precise shots so ive learned 360 distance for ADS is NOT the way to go along with siege {same thing} so I thought of transferring to a different method but I dont know where to go from here, Moniter distance? View speed? Jedi? Ive tried moniter distance 0 which felt ungodly slow to me {obv because of me only using 360 Distance for so long but still unplayable imo} Just wanting some suggestions maybe from other people who have done the same and found a comfortable inbetween? any help would be great! thanks
  7. I just want my ads to feel somewhat similar to my hipfire not slowed or too fast thats what i meant by 1:1 did the 360 distance and it gave me really high values some even not allowed in game for being too high so i mustve done it wrong? idk just trying to understand it better
  8. I just cant seem to understand how to setup the calc to give me 1:1 ads values for all scopes its gotta be very simple but I just cant realize how atm I thought 1:1 ads in siege was 98- 100 - 102 103 104 105 etc for each scope type but actually testing these values in a custom realized they were wrong {dont trust reddit ig} if anyone can help me setup the calc id really appreciate it!
  9. didnt think to put the aim to ironsights/red dot thanks im a retard : P
  10. Is there a way i can convert my seige ads [91] to apex or cs? so far i can only load the hipfire
  11. Im trying To Convert My Rainbow Six Siege Sensitvity To Other Games Like osu and csgo i will soon be buying premium next month when i get paid but i wanna see exactly if this site does it right [no offense to mods/coders of this site [Dpi 400 In game 10 10 ads 83 for R6 Fov 80 Res 1920x1080 Moniter Inch 21.5] In Advance Thanks if the mods let this through and if someone is willing to do it for me if not i guess ill wait a month and find out myself but eh.....please
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