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Everything posted by 90skidd

  1. If I change my default hip sensitivity do I need to change my ADS at all or are they not related? I tried searching but I'm confused
  2. I’m probably wrong I just felt a difference as well so I assumed
  3. It could be due to having the crosshairs lowered or centered which is a new settings that I think changes fov a little?
  4. How do I use the calculator to find 1:1 ads and hip sens?
  5. I see, thank you for explaining. I'm just experimenting to see whats best for my muscle memory. What would you suggest?
  6. so if my mouse movers 2 inches on the pad it'll move 2 inches on screen too?
  7. thank you for the reply
  8. Hi is it possible to get my camera to use the same distance on screen as my mouse in moving in real life?
  9. Thank you! I work appreciate your time. I’ll try this tonight and see how it goes. I usually only enter settings in game and don’t use the config file. Would this make much of a difference? Also if I use 90 fov on apex then I just enter 90 in the fov field for cod in the calculator correct? So basically keeping everything the same
  10. I see so it’s essentially a trade off. At the moment I use 2.9 on apex and when I use the calculator to converter I get 9.667 for cod hip fire and 0.91 for ads if I’m using 100 fov in cod game settings but it feels kinda off. Is this right?
  11. Ah I see thank you! That actually helps a lot since I don’t usually mess with the FOV type in the calculator. I’ll try when I get home to test it out. I use 2.9 with a standard multiplier of 1 for ads on apex and when it converts it to call of duty it normally does a multiplier lower than 1. Also adjusting the type of FOV still might result in a discrepancy when using ADS because you can’t change ADS fov to match another game right? Or maybe I’m understanding that wrong
  12. How would I get my sensitivity to match exactly for ads from apex legends? If I understand correctly apex legends Measure useong vertical fov whilst cod uses horizontal. Also is it best to use affected or independent for the cod ads settings and 1.33 or 0 coefficient? Thank you! I’ve been trying to get my Sensitivity good for a while but nothing really works
  13. I did feel a difference between legacy and relative but guess I may be wrong? I usually use the 3.5x scopes. So if what you're saying is correct and the game is bugged and staying on relative how would I get the classic legacy feeling currently? Should I just change the coefficient in the game settings to 0?? I preferred the legacy feeling that was in the beta
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