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Everything posted by DNAMTE

  1. wish i knew this earlier. lol. 500dpi no more...
  2. Every value I tried from desktop to IW got reset. When I'm home tonight I can try it out again. It doesn't have something to do with decimal places or something?? Be something silly for sure.
  3. Just to confirm. As glisn stated before using the calc from desktop to infinite warfare provides an invorrrct hex value. If you go desktop to advanced warfare then AW to IW it works great. My address was in the same spot as glisn. Thanks for the work i can use my normal DPI again!
  4. i changed the same values and everytime i load up the game they get reset back to default values. Note: desktop to Infinite warfare calculator options,
  5. Really appreciate the work. it would be great to be able to compare cod ADS to other games. iv been using my own way of monitor distance matching but a calc would be sweet.
  6. The new notepad++ doesnt support hexeditor?
  7. So nice of them to make it easy to match mouse sensitivity.... I was trying to move the dam slider whilst looking through a microscope.... checking my 360 each time. At least I can revert back to my normal dpi after editing.
  8. He means iron sight zoom not anything about sensitivity. Changing that is personal preference it won't affect USA's workings. I wouldn't mess with the co efficient to change sensitivity, if you prefer a slower aim down sight (cod style) you can offset hip and ADS by simply changing the zoom sensitivity%. All in this thread, people going to get confused.
  9. appreciate it! is it possible to add a generic ADS? it seems SMG and AR are the same to me but I'm not 100%. would be nice to know the FOV. iv set it the best I can but it feels a little off compared to bo3.
  10. If you know the fov of both games particular zoom you can match it with the calc very easily. If you don't I just measure the mouse distance and monitor distance.set your BF1 zoom sens accordingly until it matches. Works fine for me.
  11. Which is why I run my zoom sensitivity (aim down sight) at around 80% compared to my hipfire. You'll notice csgo players who are used to ONE mouse rate for all guns generally use a really low sensitivity... because the game is slow paced in comparison to some. Having a hip and zoom sens for me works out perfect. lets you use a variable sensitivity which is easily controlled. Mouse acceleration options in quake and UT were much harder to master to strike the fast reaction with fine aim balance. each to their own
  12. It's actually a really great game. I'm looking forward to USA implementation if it's coming. Also interested to know the standard AR iron sight FOV and if the game is capped at 90 hfov or not?? Thanks in advance
  13. I'd recommend reading the thread if you have not already. Regurgitating information now will add to confusion. In short the aspect ratio of 4:3 is the base for 1.3333 co efficient (4:3) this ratio then changes with different aspect ratios 16:9 (16/9). As explained earlier in the thread just because you have 16:9 ratio doesn't mean you should use that co efficient. Fact is the further away from a 'square' ratio of 1 the more your compromising. 1.33 seems to be a sweet spot. All explained in this thread earlier
  14. I see people asking the dev for greater than 90fov. I'm assuming it's 4:3 based and giving an actual of 106?? Hope so.
  15. If we could get a list of weapon FOV that would be awsome. I personally measured monitor to mouse movement from hip and ADS from black ops 3 to set my zoom sensitivity to match in BF1. If I knew the fov it is so much easier! I only need one FOV as USA sets the rest. I actually turned on the fov scaling in video options and set weapon zoom to 150%. Given my FOV is 106 I figured that is about as close to 50fov I can manage for comparing to cods iron sight FOV of 50. Great to see you almost have it nailed down. Ps: I checked USA monitor to mouse movement with a variety of guns zoom levels and the 1.33 co efficient is plenty accurate. Difference on my measure was negligible.
  16. Hmm I think you misunderstood. - You have your standard mouse sensitivity which dictates your 'hip fire' cursor movement. - In BF1 you have your zoom sensitivity which dictates your 'Aim down Sights' cursor movement. -Finally you have USA option which is dictated by the co efficient value (default 1.33). keeping it simple, this option when enabled attempts to match all ZOOM (Aim down sights) cursor movement the same when using ANY scope or iron sight regardless of the actual FOV. To summarise if you wish to have ALL cursor movement 'hipfire' AND 'Aim down sight' consistent you need to have ZOOM sensitivity at 100% (don't confuse this with co efficient value) However if you wish to have a different cursor movement when 'aiming down sight' than your 'hipfire' (call of duty) then altering the zoom sensitivity allows you to do this. ALL 'aim down sight' zooms will still remain consistent. The benefit of doing it this way is keeping a faster general cursor movement and slowing it down for more accuracy when aiming down sight. Allowing a faster reaction movement coupled with a 'precision' aim down sight.
  17. Great job
  18. Nice, is the 'video aim down sight' scaling option going to be in there?
  19. Some people seem to be misunderstanding the two sensitivities and the coefficient. BF1 offers two sensitivities (disregard individual zoom options); HIP fire & AIm Diwn Sight (zoom) These two options allow you to differentiate your mouse movement to monitor distance respectively. The USA option allows you to match all ADS irrespective of zoom level to the same mouse movement to monitor distance. The co efficient is simply a value that allows you to adjust at what ratio the relationship between the varying ADS (zoom) levels are matched. So given the above if you want ADS and hipfire to to have the exact same relationship between mouse movement and monitor distance travelled then ADS zoom must be set to 100%. However if you prefer different hipfire and ADS mouse speed (think call of duty) changing this value will not affect USA matching the ADS values across ALL zoom scales. Changing individual zoom settings is not recommended as it negates the reasoning behind using USA.
  20. The theory is quite interesting. Given our eyes focus is radial you'd expect the perfect multiple would be '1' or 100% as anything higher then that (or lower) essentially becomes peripheral vision. I guess it gets tricky because of our monitors shape and obviously we don't maintain a fixed focus on the entire screen. 4:3 ratio isn't a huge leap then (1.33) and possibly offers a nice balance of our natural focal vision and the un natural shape of the monitor. The greater the value from 1 the more un natural it will feel in an attempt to match the monitor. This will never have a perfect value then given in reality we only focus on a small area of our complete vision, the rest is peripheral, which in the future VR headsets will take full advantage of. Unless you want to play with a square resolution then aim accuracy matched across the entire area of the screen can never be perfect.
  21. https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494051524581/ Fair bit of info regarding the coefficient and USA from one of the dice devs
  22. Tonight i busted out the tape measure.... theres too many options in BF1 compared to say cod bo3.... 550DPI @ 2560x1440 bo3 - Hfov 106 - In game sens 1.55 hipfire: 317mm/360 ELO sight (universal iron sight attachment) scales to 50FOV and gives 690mm/360 BF1 - actual Hfov 106 (90 ingame settings) - In game sens 12% (0.018 via config) Hipfire + Ironsight 360 as above. few things I noticed as a BF novice: Uniform Aim [ON] Coefficient 0% Zoom sensitivity 82% I noticed the setting in the Video tab 'Aim down sight Field of View' which I left [OFF]. Turning it on significantly reduced my zoom factor which could be a good thing but I didn't feel it ended up anywhere near the goal of 50% FOV to match cod. If anyone knows how this setting scales the FOV when its [ON] and [OFF] that would be great. For now though with them settings everything seems fairly consistent between games. PS: I also tried it with the default Uniform Aim value coefficient of 1.33 which required a Zoom sensitivity of 71% to match cod iron sight 360. I realise the value needs to be 100% to be exactly the same as hip fire however I'm used to and prefer ADS to be a fair bit less sensitive. again if anyone knows the iron sight FOV in BF1 and the scaling factor when ADS FOV is enabled that would be tops.
  23. So played this game today for the first time, for comparison: Black ops 3: Fov 106 ingame sens 1.55 DPI 550 Ironsight on AR and elo sight is around %50 of hipfire... So I converted this to BF1: Fov vertical 73.5 Ingame sens 0.018 {12% ingame from memory} DPI 550 then I figured id set the aim down sight value to 50%? should be the same right? it feels way different, slower... anyone have insight in to what It should be?? I just want to aim to feel like bo3!! Cheers.
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