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ErebusR6's Achievements

  1. I'm assuming the fov you're talking about is the one in MW The closest I could get to my R6 fov is 116.012 and that should be my sens right?
  2. I now get what you're saying by choosing, so how would I align my ADS ironsight to the cod MW sights? Because if I do this, now my hipfire sens is different.
  3. The choice of conversions you're talking about is hipfire, ads, or scope right?
  4. When I convert my R6 sens to Cod MW using all aim, I think it got the hipfire down right but the ADS is way too slow. I might be dumb because I still don't know how to work the calculator settings after reading the instructions but I do see that it is affecting the sensitivity. I'm really new to this but all help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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