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Everything posted by DetectivePront

  1. Name: Escape from Tarkov Status: open beta Availability: purchase With the new patch, granular scope adjustment has been added along with a new sensitivity slider called "scope adjustment sensitivity". I'm not 100% sure if they've changed how the scope sensitivities work, or if this slider affects anything, but it might be worth looking into.
  2. Name: PILGRIM Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2965660/PILGRIM/ Status: early access Release date: May 31, 2024 Availability: purchase (6 USD)
  3. I think I was mistaken, as I didn't see any scopes in game that actually looked like 2x. I just assumed they had them because there's a 2x setting in the game. Do you know if it would be possible to add the 1x and 4x sensitivities for vehicles?
  4. Any Idea when this might be? Still missing 2x magnification and the 1x/4x for vehicles. Thanks!
  5. With Marauders having been updated a few days ago, it seems that the sensitivity calculator is no longer accurate. Has anyone else noticed this?
  6. I've noticed that since the new 12.9 update, the Iron sights now seem to share the same sensitivity as the holo sights. This could be my imagination, but before this update the iron sights required a lower sens than holosights and reflex sights to get the same monitor distance movement. Might be something worth checking.
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