Ive been looking it up over the past few days and I still didnt get a clear answer. My aim feels off in cod and bf and I dont know anymore what it should be. Currently in cod and bf ads just feels to fast even when I convert it, while games like apex, hyperscape, HLL feel great when I convert the sens.
It should be 1.33 for 4:3 and 1.78 for 16:9
But then why do all games (cod, bf,...) have it set to 1.33 by default if Im playing on 16:9?
Also whats the difference between 0 and 1.78 if im playing on 16:9?
I was looking up battlefield 4 and people there said I should keep it at default (1.33)
I dont want 1:1 ads speed and hip fire but rather proper scaling. I dont know exactly how to explain it because I dont know how it works but something like apex where you only have 1 setting for all scopes and if you leave it at 1 you are good to go.
Help is appreciated!