Here’s a quick breakdown of how MouseX and MouseY currently work in Stalker 2:
1. Defined in the Blueprint:
In the Blueprint (BP_Stalker2Character.uasset), BaseTurnRate and BaseLookUpRate are set as default values - ("BaseTurnRate_0[9]": 85.0) + ("BaseLookUpRate_0[10]": 75.0). These defaults are part of the compiled class (BP_Stalker2Character_C) and act as initial settings for horizontal and vertical sensitivity.
2. Overwritten by Config:
At runtime, the game loads values from the config file (ObjPrototypes.cfg), which includes a MovementParams section. (BaseTurnRate = 40) + (BaseLookUpRate = 30), these values will override the Blueprint defaults.
3. Runtime Behavior:
The engine prioritizes the values from the config file, allowing for adjustments without needing to recompile or modify the Blueprint directly. My mod simply updates the "ObjPrototypes.cfg" and updates the Base rate params to both be 40. So far as I've discovered, it isn't possible to simply change these values in a user exposed .ini which is preferable. They're both "DoubleProperty" type which means double-precision floating-point number in UE5. I've tested with values between 1-100 for both and setting either to "1" means it's barely possible to move your mouse on that axis.
The primary issue is that "ObjPrototypes.cfg" cotains a lot of player focused parameters so lots of modders are using this file so currently you'd have to manually merge values and repack mods for those that share editing targets. I'm currently working on a way to separate these values from the "ObjPrototypes.cfg" but I've had limited time, so not quite ironed it out yet.