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Everything posted by Merinda18

  1. U cant find your sensitivity, u can find your maximum of your useful range If your mousecontrol is garbage try to play verylow sens than higher and higher,im started on 60cmm now can have same aim on 10-20cm
  2. Muscle memory retarded myth, thats why monitor distance to monitor distance best convert in my opinion
  3. But 360 same? Just try monitor distance to monitor distance, it will be not same 360,but will feel good
  4. what is your ads settings
  5. TPP ---> FPP
  6. muscle memory retarded myth, only eye coordination
  7. How u want train your aim via aimlab if crosshair not in the middle of screen
  8. muscle memory retarded myth
  9. im using 100% 0% isnt comfortable for me
  10. in my opinion mdh to mdh best way to convert between different fovs
  11. Dpiwizard said mdh to mdh isnt good idea ,but it feels very good (i use it a week)
  12. u cant do anything without premium,buy it first
  13. Use monitor distance instead of 360
  14. but ads isnt same as hipfire? but different fov isnt better to use high fov in 1 game and use different hipfire to other games if fov different,cause its like just ads ,maybe im incorecctly showing a thought
  15. Or i must use MDH but if im using 100% on scopes i must use same on "NORMAL" ??
  16. So i want to know if games have different fovs is it good idea to choose viewspeed instead of 360 Apex and cs for example if i will use viewspeed isnt will be like ads settings but for hipfire ?
  17. Because apex use 4:3 fov not 16:9
  18. why old cods using 75% mdh not 100% ? or cs
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