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  1. Thanks for your time and quick answer
  2. nevermind it might have been my misunderstanding
  3. at the moment the scope conversion doesn't reflect that if you want to convert that to another game
  4. ha its because of that specific number but what if someone else use more than one ? or very different number will it work ?
  5. so you're telling me that if i convert 10x or 1x its the same sens while the fov is largely different ? with different sens ?
  6. it was the case before but not anymore since the scope are not the same sensitivity across the board
  7. an apex Legends update added the possibility to change ingame scope sensitivity (from 1x to 10x) but the apex monitor horizontal conversion method does not reflect that change at the moment (it give you the same sensibility no matter the scope), could you fix that issue ? thanks
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