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  1. But now when I do the calculation from csgo hdeg 16:9 to apex hdeg 16:9 the fov is now 105 in apex instead of 90
  2. Sorry to post in an old thread but do all these calculations still apply if I use widescreen 16:9 in csgo? I always had 16:9 but didn't realize that I had the 4:3 option chosen.
  3. So after doing the calculation with my values do I copy the config fov and paste it in my autoexec for apex?
  4. One last thing. I wanted to match my csgo fov with apex legends' fov and I wondered if it is possible to calculate here aswell? I've been using 90 fov in apex because I thought it would be the same as in cs but I'm not sure.
  5. Thanks alot dude, I know I'm a little stupid when it comes to these things so I appreciate the help
  6. Could you please do the calculation for me since I bought the subscribtion, this is too complicated. Here are my values: 1.6 regular sensitivity, 1 scoped sensitivity (csgo), 800 dpi, 1920x1080, 24.5 inch monitor, everything else default. I'd really appreciate it man.
  7. Where do I put in my scoped sensitivity? Also should I not change the aim type to widowmaker/ana for overwatch and zoomed 1 for csgo?
  8. I'm trying to convert CSGO relative zoomed sensitivity to Overwatch zoomed sensitivity (widow, ana) but I can't figure out how to do it (I bought the 1month subscription). My CSGO zoomed sens is 1.
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