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Everything posted by Ins_FPS

  1. For me (and not only for me) it has to do with the sensitivity, when it's really low you can do it with the wrist with the same accuracy, at least I can. I never felt the need to use the fingers with 55+ cm/360 If we talk about few pixels movements, sure you can help yourself with the fingers in some situations, but that's it, and depends by the grip as well. If you palm or claw you have a very little space to move the fingers and if the sensitivity is really low, often you won't have enough space for significant microadjustments and you just destabilize your aim if you force the use of your fingers or if you stretch them too much trying to microadjust. That's my experience at least. Instead when i switched to a higher sens after playing faster games, my grip naturally changed after switching mice and I felt the need to microadjust with fingers cause it was actually really effective and it wasn't hindering my aim in any scenario . This image shows one of the best CS players not doing microadjustments with fingers like you say. And there are many others. Remember we all react differently so it's hard to say if something is right or wrong. For me, the game I play, the mice I use and especially the sensitivity, are the factors that determine how should i move the mice.
  2. I played CS with 58 cm/360 for a long time, using claw grip and wrist only. The lower the sensitivity the less your fingers are effective. Right now I play with 40 cm/360 and overall higher sens cause I play faster games and i use wrist and fingers together with a hybrid fingertip grip. It's really hard to master this kind of playstyle so don't force yourself. As i said I used claw for many years and when i switched to a smaller mice and increased my sens it came natural to me.
  3. The command doesn't work yet, I tested it and i see no difference.
  4. mouse_use_per_scope_sensitivity_scalars "0" this option got added yesterday, the other scalars are finally useful maybe? @DPI Wizard would you mind checking if this works when you have time? there is no in-game option for that so i guess it doesn't work yet, not sure.
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