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  1. Thank you, DPI Wizard! You've helped me A LOT! I really think I finally got it! One last question regarding the FOV: If I'm converting the FOV from OW to Apex, I just leave the default FOV Type of Overwatch, right? I don't need to set Hdeg 16:9 instead of Hdeg Res? So a perfect MDH 0% Conversion from OW to Apex would look like this?
  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply (especially in that detail)! Okay, I think I got it! So when I set 1 for MDH 0%, all the sights in Apex behave the same? AS LONG as I use MDH 0%? Because if I set Overwatch to All and Apex to All /w ADS OR All/w 1X and so on, the calculator always shows me the same sensitivity/multiplier? If I'd choose the 360-Method I would only be able to convert my OW settings for ONE optic in Apex? I saw that there are 5 different values in the Apex config, but also read that they do nothing. Okay, then I will leave the modified FOV in Apex! Thank you! Can the calculator also convert FOVs? Or do I need to find another way to do that? Strange! I will investigate that again! I could swear that it felt different (and the aspect ratio was still 16:9). I thought this would have something to do with the amount of pixels or something. You're right with MDH 100%. It's 1640 then. Would you recommend to switch my DPI to 1640 and convert from Windows to Overwatch? Even though I played with 1600 all the time? Because I don't know of any way to set 1640 DPI ONLY for Windows and stay with 1600 in OW. And when I use MDH 100% for Windows and convert to MDH 0% Overwatch ... is this consistent at all? I thought I was to decide for only ONE percentage? Thank you again!!!
  3. Hello! First of all I want to thank the creators of this site for their work! I've just subscribed to this site and have only been around of a couple days, but I'm already fascinated and hooked by the whole topic of matching aim settings. I already learned a lot, browsing through the board and reading Skidushe's great guide (thank you for that!), but I still have some general questions that I'm not able to answer myself. I hope those are not the same lazy questions you have to answer aaall the time. I really tried my best to solve my problems by myself. 1 - Using Monitor Distance My most played game is Overwatch, so I take it as example. Am I doing this right? If I want to use the 0%-MM-Method (which I read is the best), I type my settings in like in my screenshot and just choose "Monitor Distance - Horizontal" instead of "360 Distance" under "Normal", is that right? I don't need to switch from "Sensitivity" to "Distance" under "Convert" too, right? This is just for when I only have a physical mouse distance instead of a sensitivity? 2 - Aim When I choose "All" under "Aim" like I did, the calculator shows me the common values for Ashe and Widow/Ana that you can read in several topics regarding Overwatch all over the net. But when I switch "All" to "Ashe" for instance, suddenly the calculator shows me the value "60". Why is that? What is "All" at all? When I look at the possibilities the calculator gives me for Apex, there is "All /w" (All with ...?) like "All /w 1X" AND "1X Scope" – what's the difference? 3 - Apex Legends I've read that there is no option to set different values for the different optics. The calculator shows me, that I should set "1" for "mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0" – is this really all I have to do for the 0%-Method? Will all my optics will be lined up by just putting in "1"? Another thing that confuses me: I've read in a Reddit-Post that the FOV of Apex is somehow based on a 4:3 ratio instead of 16:9 (like Overwatch). So the person posted a value, that should align the FOV of Apex with the one of Overwatch. If I understand the 0%-MM-Method right, I don't need to do this, when I'm not using the 360-Method, right? Because the 0%-Method is meant to be used for whatever FOV there might is? So I could leave the Apex FOX to default? 4 - Resolution (Full HD to WQHD) I'm using a 27"-WQHD-Display (2560 x 1440 px) but I always play at Full HD (1920 x 1080 px) for performance reasons. When I first tried to play OW at WQHD I instantly felt that my sensitivity wasn't right anymore. So, when I try to convert OW Full HD to OW WQHD everythings stays the same inside the calculator. Why is that? Same thing confuses me when it comes to align my OW settings with my windows/desktop settings: When I try to convert the said settings, the calculator says my windows DPI should be "1170". How can that be the same, when my OW sens is based on 1600 DPI??? If I change that, my OW settings will not longer be the same? That's all I got for the moment. I would REALLY appreciate, if someone would take the time to answer my questions. I'm absolutely aware that this wouldn't be self-evident! I'm sure the answers for my questions are everywhere in this board ... but I have BIG struggles finding them. For you, the person who read all this: Thank you!
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