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Everything posted by SmokingYoda

  1. @DPI Wizard Thank you so much, all of the values I've provided are just estimates, I've calculated FOV from screenshots with help of vanishing points, so they have margin of error in them. About the scopes, I wasn't able do diffrentiate the FOVs between each weapon with scope, this is why I came to conclusion they have static FOV.
  2. I haven't played Rust since December patch, but had to test it and you are correct. They have disable exec binding for some reason, I used this method for over 4 months and as soon as it were made public they decided made it impossible (but why?) change bindings on fly, at least the FOV and sensitivity overwrite still works.
  3. Yes, make sure you include filetype, example; "global.exec rifle.cfg" without quotation marks.
  4. Hey, for past months I’ve tried to figure out how to bypass Rust’s ADS problem, if you didn’t know weapons FOV are scaled, and these affect your sensitivity. NOTE: Scopes seem to have static FOV. Here are rough estimated fields of views for each item, base was 75 FOV. 8x Zoom Scope has ~ 8 FOV 16x Zoom Scope has ~ 6 FOV Holosight has ~ 35 FOV Bolt Action Rifle has ~ 35 FOV Assault Rifle has ~ 45 FOV Double Barrel Shotgun has ~ 45 FOV Multiple Grenade Launcher has ~ 45 FOV Crossbow has ~ 45 FOV LR-300 Assault Rifle has ~ 45 FOV M249 has ~ 45 FOV MP5A4 has ~ 45 FOV Semi-Automatic Rifle has ~ 45 FOV Compound Bow has ~ 50 FOV Custom SMG has ~ 55 FOV Spas-12 Shotgun has ~ 55 FOV Thompson has ~ 55 FOV L96 Rifle has ~ 60 FOV M39 Rifle has ~ 60 FOV Nailgun has ~ 60 FOV Pump Shotgun has ~ 60 FOV Python Revolver has ~ 60 FOV Waterpipe Shotgun has ~ 60 FOV Bow has ~ 65 FOV Simple Handmade Sight has ~ 65 FOV M92 Pistol has ~ 65 FOV Revolver has ~ 65 FOV Semi-Automatic Pistol has ~ 65 FOV Now to have any use out of these, we need to bind them thought console. * bind mouse1 “+sensitivity <hip-fire sensitivity>;sensitivity <ADS sensitivity>;+attack2” * * bind mouse1 “+fov <hip-fire FOV>;+sensitivity <hip-fire sensitivity>;fov <ADS FOV>;sensitivity <ADS sensitivity>;+attack2” * *EDIT* Facepunch has made it impossible to change bindings through exec. You can also make config file and bind exec for it, this way you can in theory switch sensitivities on-the-fly. Create 'rifle.cfg' file to Rust cfg -folder. * 'rifle.cfg' will need contain following: bind mouse1 “+sensitivity <hip-fire sensitivity>;sensitivity <ADS sensitivity>;+attack2” * bind 6 “exec rifle.cfg” Hope I made it easy enough to understand, and sorry for the English!
  5. Name: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Website: https://www.splashdamage.com/games/wolfenstein-enemy-territory/ Status: Release Release date: 28 May 2003 Availability: Free
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