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Everything posted by stereo3D

  1. maybe rename hipfire to "default (look)" and "shoulder aim" to "shoulder aim (hip fire)".
  2. uniform soldier aiming coefficient 133 % = MDV 133 % = MDH 75 %
  3. actual hFOV depends on the aspect ratio. so in your case 106.52°. set everything to MDH 75 % in the conversion setup. GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.012 GstInput.MouseSensitivityVehicle 0.150067 GstInput.UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient 1.333333 GstRender.FieldOfViewVertical 74 <Attr name="MouseSensitivity" value="0.906667"/> <Attr name="HipMouseSensitivity" value="0.911889"/> <Attr name="IronSightsMouseSensitivity" value="0.878892"/> <Attr name="ShortScopeMouseSensitivity" value="0.730929"/> <Attr name="MediumScopeMouseSensitivity" value="0.649673"/> <Attr name="LongScopeMouseSensitivity" value="0.333370"/> <Attr name="PeepholeMouseSensitivity" value="0.878462"/> <Attr name="FieldOfView" value="74"/>
  4. vertical sens seems to be much lower than horizontal. longshot zoom deadzone is also back again. that was already patched in gears 4 and gears remaster.
  5. i'm getting weird results for both gears 4 and 5. with MDH 100 all 3 sensitivities should be the same value, but instead i'm getting very low ads and zoom sens values.
  6. the update takes pretty long to install, but there is probably going to be a queue for the tech test anyway.
  7. too bad. anyway, gears 5 tech test starts today. i hope you've pre-loaded it.
  8. try to max out the in-game sliders and change it in the config. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Ubisoft\Blacklist\inputTranslations.ini MouseX=Axis aMouseX Speed=0.001 -> 0.00005 MouseY=Axis aMouseY Speed=0.001 -> 0.00005
  9. @DPI Wizard did you have hud style set to minimal?
  10. i had to uninstall g hub, because with it running, mashing the mouse buttons while moving the mouse makes camera panning in games very stuttery.
  11. that's so weird. it honestly feels best to me with the same sens for both axis. i wish i could fully look up and down. would be interesting what your findings are for other kex engine games like turok.
  12. then there is a bug either way, because the calculator tells me to lower the vertical sensitivity.
  13. you had full 3d aim look enabled, right?
  14. vertical sens can't be right. i have to set both x and y to the same value.
  15. Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith path-to-game/player/name/name.plr bind 1 12 0xd 0.400000 = x-axis bind 8 13 0xd 0.280000 = y-axis FOV 90 is default. there is a patch on pcgw for FOV 120. MOTS scales sens with FOV, but JKDF2 doesn't. https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_-_Dark_Forces_II#Field_of_view_.28FOV.29
  16. jedi outcast/academy - default FOV is 80 and sens scales with FOV, so you can't simply use q3 sens.
  17. did you figure it out? i just started a new game and noticed the FOV won't change until you reach the first checkpoint. the sens slider is way too coarse, config sens is definitely needed.
  18. btw the mod files are vertical FOV that's why the sensitivity changes so much.
  19. it worked for me with the retail version. could you add support for the config sensitivity? X:\Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\Config\PCKellerInput.ini -> MouseSensitivity=
  20. you mean this one? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1423146825
  21. @DPI Wizard have you ever tried this kind of test? would be interesting how apex fares and also some other games like bo4, doom, etc.
  22. then set FOV type to hdeg res and FOV to 103 and the calculator will tell you what fovscale that is.
  23. mouse_sensitivity "2.700000" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 "1.130535" cl_fovScale 1.205579
  24. are you really playing siege with a vFOV of 53.8? open gamesettings.ini and check the value for DefaultFOV.
  25. simply use the same FOV in both games.
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