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Everything posted by stereo3D

  1. ADS FOV is 56°. i haven't tried the FOV tool yet. it's actually bad that the game doesn't scale sens with FOV, because sprint FOV is 80° and non-combat FOV is 65°.
  2. it's weird that photo mode says 70°, instead of ~71° or 44°.
  3. you can actually get raw input in thief gold, thief 2 and system shock 2. cam_ext.cfg use_raw_mouse_input 1 raw_mouse_sens_scale 1
  4. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=d1592c1d519a0b8e2c8f7a3fee8a22d9
  5. when switching mice, you should also measure the real dpi. 1600 dpi on a g pro could be equivalent to 1500 dpi on a razer viper.
  6. some older entries have the wrong fov type. until this is fixed you could select deus ex goty and then set the FOV to 120 (or 121.664773) to calculate your sens.
  7. i think the notes need to be updated. x/y axis seem to be 1:1 by default. these source ports are based on eduke32 and have the same sens: https://lerppu.net/wannabethesis/
  8. fwiw, i didn't change my sens when i switched from 27" 1440p144 to 24" 1080p240. it still felt like my sens and my aim was on point.
  9. not necessary, they didn't change it.
  10. thanks, but even this method only seems to work when ADS FOV is independent?
  11. let's say i want legacy with ADS sens 1 as my base game. how would i do that? i guess, i'd have to disable the conversion setup somehow. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=aa7d2671f7a2fc8179b9d5600351a528
  12. @DPI Wizard if a user selects legacy, then they should also have to enter ADS low and high zoom as multiplier 1 and 2. it doesn't really make sense to calculate the multipliers based on the conversion setup, because then you could have used relative + MDC in the first place.
  13. @DPI Wizard could you please add ADS (AR + Peacekeeper) with FOV 50 to BO2?
  14. @DPI Wizard did you ever get it to work? Data0.pak
  15. i uploaded an ini with more FOVs, but i can't test it, since i don't have origin access anymore. ADS FOV should be adjustable too, but i've never actually tried it. set SFXGame.SFXWeapon ZoomFOV=40 set SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_SniperRifle ZoomFOV=10
  16. me2 fixer should first create a back up and then either fix the file or tell you it's valid. is there an error message? you could also try my config. Coalesced.ini
  17. so only at AR 1:1 does the config FOV match the actual FOV. it's like the engine uses vertical FOV, but then has some really bizarre AR calculations on top. makes me wonder if it wouldn't be best if FOV mods treated the config FOV as vertical FOV and made it hor+ based on that.
  18. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Gold Edition https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Tom_Clancy's_Rainbow_Six_3:_Raven_Shield#Input FOV mod: https://www.moddb.com/games/tom-clancys-rainbow-six-3-raven-shield/addons/fovadjust
  19. Shadow Ops: Red Mercury https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Shadow_Ops:_Red_Mercury currently on steam sale.
  20. MDV and MDH are not the same. for same sens in ADS you have to select 360° distance.
  21. ok, and what about ADS sens? does it have the same x/y ratio?
  22. but vertical sens doesn't depend on aspect ratio like it says on PCGW, right? IIRC at least in Fallout 4 some situations had a 1:1 ratio by default and increasing vertical sens would make them too fast.
  23. what about pitch speed ratio? https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_76#Vertical_sensitivity
  24. have you tried the sdl1 beta?
  25. using the sensitivity slider causes the ADS sens ratio to go completely out of whack. it's best to leave it at default and change it in the config. config sens seems to be like ut3. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition\StormGame\Config\StormInput.ini MouseSensitivity=6.0 bEnableMouseSmoothing=false %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition\StormGame\Config\StormCamera.ini DefaultCameraFOV=120 TargetingFOV=60
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