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Everything posted by stereo3D

  1. http://donewmouseaccel.blogspot.co.at/2010/03/markc-windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html
  2. try selecting UT3 instead of toxikk. also if your FOV is 90 in TF2 then you should use 106 for 16:9 and 100 for 16:10 in unreal engine games.
  3. shouldn't it be the same as quake 4? i tried different FOVs and the sensitivity didn't change.
  4. the distance calculator doesn't work for me. "Recommended new max DPI: 87550 DPI"
  5. i found that inp_fMouseSensitivity works better for me. with globalsensitivity i would have to decrease dpi. also without sharp turning there is still lots of smoothing going on.
  6. https://forums.unrealtournament.com/showthread.php?14290-New-playable-pre-alpha-build-posted-11-21
  7. the slider in FC3 is just badly implemented. if you change the default FOV from 75 to 100 it still says 73.15. the advantage of changing the FOV in entitylibrary.fcb is that all ironsight/scope FOVs stay at default. (like "ADS FOV scaling = off" in BF4) of course, you can change them too, as well as all viewmodel FOVs and ADS sensitivity multipliers.
  8. FC2-4 have a default FOV of 75 (horizontal degrees). FOVScaleFactor is simply a multiplier as the name implies.
  9. sensitivity is too high. it should be the same as ut3.
  10. idtech3 is vert- so the fov is resolution based.
  11. if i set the sensitivity slider to the lowest then the cursor in both menu and inventory has a huge deadzone. to solve this i have to increase the sensitivity by 11 clicks.
  12. not sure how you tested it. but the method i described won't work in third person since the camera distance has to be zero.
  13. devs wouldn't use 70 as a default value for vertical fov. it's way too high. i tested this in bf4 beta once. with fov 90 and a 4:3 resolution turning from edge to edge 4 times results in a 360.
  14. V1.03 9th July 2014 Removed limits on raw mouse input data – which should hopefully address the “negative mouse acceleration” issue. http://steamcommunity.com/app/238090/discussions/0/46476144779152346/
  15. shouldn't it be horizontal fov based on 4:3 just like bf4?
  16. Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield -> same sensitivity as ut2k4 at fov 90 curiously, the actual fov seems to be around ~86. ...SaveProfilesUser.ini [Engine.Input] W=MoveForward | setsensitivity 0.3 [Engine.PlayerInput] MouseSmoothingMode=0
  17. maybe you could add SWAT 4 and Tribes Vengeance some time. they have accel and smoothing by default but there is an easy way to match sensitivity with ut2k4 (fov 85 for swat4). Swat4.ini / TV_CD_DVD.ini [WinDrv.WindowsClient] MouseYMultiplier=1.000000 MouseXMultiplier=1.000000 User.ini [Engine.Input] MouseX=Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=2.0 MouseY=Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=2.0 [Engine.PlayerInput] bInvertMouse=False MouseSmoothingMode=0 MouseSmoothingStrength=0.000000 MouseSensitivity=0.400000 MouseSamplingTime=0.001000 MouseAccelThreshold=0.000000 DoubleClickTime=0.200000
  18. yes, same distance.... no accel, no deadzone. maybe try the new warface launcher?
  19. ut3, fov 100, 724 dpi, sens 4.4 -> 47 cm in warface sens 8 gives me the same distance (which i then reduced to 7 because the fov is smaller. vfov 60 in warface / vfov 68 in ut3)
  20. warface sensitivity is too high by a factor of 2.
  21. maintainYFOV" doesn't work for me in AAPG and in the ini it says that FOVangle is for [unrealEd.EditorEngine].
  22. also i've seen 3 kinds of fov options in games: vertical fov (eg. bfbc2, metro) horizontal fov horizontal fov based on aspect ratio 4:3 (quake4, cod, bf4, etc) so at 1080p fov 74 is 90 and fov 90 is 106. cod probably scales sensitivity according to the q3 formula (not the one for quake live).
  23. in cod 4 sensitivity scales with cg_fov
  24. hi! can you please measure the 360° rotation counts for acog, m68 and sniper in AAPG and the reflex sight in bf4 beta? btw this site is awesome. keep it up!
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