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Bernd Matthys

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Everything posted by Bernd Matthys

  1. What do you mean with 50%? Because I don't understand what you mean with that. And how did you calculate it then? Because you lost me when you said it more accurate. How's that? Because my calculations are correct when using 100%.
  2. Your calculations are strange wizard. Explain me why in your current calculator v4. with above settings for cs go your 1 inch mouse ratio is 7,1594 inch And suddenly in your v5 calculator it changes to 5.6456 inch? That makes no sense since you use the exact same settings it should be the same. I did my sensitivity calculations above for overwatch on the ratio from cs go
  3. It's not wise to just match your 360-spin in fact it's useless if your FOV is different what you want for a consistent aim is that your mouse sensitivity and visual information on your screen is the same not your 360-spin. For exampe: if a CSGO target on your screen is 5 inch from your crosshair you need to move your mouse 0.5 inch to hit it. What you want for consistent aim, and not to mess up your muscle memory is that this distance is the same in overwatch. Even if the FOV is different you still want to move your mouse 0.5 inch if a target is 5 inch away from your crosshair in overwatch. But if your FOV is different your 360-spin won't match with CSGO, but that won't matter at all because your eye hand coordination will be the same in both games. So if i calculate this right your sensitivity in overwatch needs to be 2.861111109 to match the same settings as in CSGO with a FOV 103 default overwatch. with a FOV of 98 it should be 2.722222222 Calculated with these settings: For CSGO DPI: 2300 Hor. Res: 1024 Ver. Res: 768 Screen size: 23 Inch FOV: 90 degrees (4:3 based) Sensitivity: 0.75 360-Spin: 9.486166008 inch 1:1 ratio: 7.758666667 inch (1 inch mouse movement = 7.75...inch crosshair movement) For Overwatch DPI: 2300 Hor.Res: 1024 Ver.Res: 768 Screen size: 23 Inch FOV: 103 ( 4:3 based or Res based is the same since 1024:768 is 4:3 ) Sensitivity: 2.86 (or 2.861111109 to be very correct ) 360-Spin: 8.288882919 inch 1:1 ratio: 7.758666667 inch (1 inch mouse movement = 7.75...inch crosshair movement) You can't feel the a discrepancy of 0.001, so it should be a perfect match. Et vola, consistent aim! and no muscle memory or hand eye coordination f*ck up
  4. That's indeed a lot better then to lock the 360 spin value between both games. And since you have the formula to calculate the ratio, it's just a matter of locking down the ratio itself and convert the formula to calculate the sensitivity instead. And done you are!
  5. You can't change your FOV in CSGO it's always 90 at a 4:3 ratio That means that your FOV at a 16:9 ratio is 106.2602047 (to be very correct ) So that means if you want to match your "1 inch mouse ratio" (which makes the most sense) between both games your stuck with that FOV since the calculator doesn't support a direct Ratio To Ratio converter. If you want to match just your 360 Spin then you can pick any FOV for Battlefield 4. That being said a FOV of 106.2602047 for BF4 is to high for my liking since the enemies are becoming very small. I use a 64 VFOV for BF4 which is 96.01366287 HFOV 16:9 Ratio
  6. with that kind of information we can't help you at all! Take a screen shot of the calculator with your input value's and tell us what you try to achieve. Then we can help
  7. maybe a stupid question, but when i test the calculator on CS-GO it gives a different value for 360-spin when i change the FOV, while in games like BF4, DOOM, borderlands etc...it doesn't change at all. Why is this Wizard?
  8. yeah, and maybe for battlefield also, and in the future for all games containing a sniper rifle LOL
  9. wizard, would it be possible to add ADS sens. to the calculator for fallout 4. the commandline you need to put in is: [Main] fIronSightsFOVRotateMult= under the Fallout4.ini file add this on top. But i don't know the 1:1 value with hipfire and i think the FOV does play a role in this calculation. for me it's around 2.4 - 2.5 i guess.
  10. Indeed that would be awesome! If you would ad ads sense also. Thx for this STR8
  11. Thx for adding fallout so fast wizard! Also is their a way to calculate the ads sense? Because the sensitivity difference is huge between hip and ads. (or maybe a command to put it off? So it's the same as hipfire?) Thx
  12. Can you add fallout 4 asap? Thanks wizard!
  13. Ofcourse it gives an error. If you should understand how this works you shouldn't ask this question. The reason it gives an error is because you didn't put in your base BF4 mouse sensitivity you find in the game files under C:\Users\*****\Documents\Battlefield 4\settings PROFSAVE_profile. And since ADS has influence on FOV it needs to know this for the calculation. Also the FOV type must be set the same (both HD 4:3 in this case) To make this clear i have made a little example here, just click on the image to scale it up Just make sure the following parameters are correct in the PROFSAVE_profile. GstInput.SoldierUniformAimingCoefficient 0 GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll 1 GstInput.SoldierUniformAiming 1 GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 0 (use 1 when your using scaled ADS) GstInput.MouseRawInput 1 The result of this calculation is: GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.000523 GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityCloseRange 1.116877 Change all of this in the PROFSAVE_profile. And you should be fine GstInput.SoldierUniformAimingCoefficient 0 GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll 1 GstInput.SoldierUniformAiming 1 GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 0 (use 1 when your using scaled ADS & select 1x scaled Coyote,...in the calculator) GstInput.MouseRawInput 1 GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.000523 GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityCloseRange 1.116877 Grtz (PS: i don't play CSGO)
  14. just use a slice of paper and put it under your mousemat, mark your starting position of your mouse on the paper and turn towards an objective in-game when using hipfire, then return in ADS and you will see you end up just on the same spot! Meaning the ADS & hipfire are perfectly 1:1
  15. Their is nothing wrong with the calculator, i measured it myself you just have to use it right. If you want a 1:1 for hipfire and ADS you have to make sure your input values are right. (and USA is on) For starters 1. Select current game : BF4 - Hipfire and give your DPI & ingame sens. 2. Select New game: BF4 - Scaled (if you use scaled ADS, else normal) 1x Coyote,... and put in same ingame sens as hipfire 3. Make sure your FOV is correct since FOV has a influence on your ADS distance (NOT hipfire) (default 55) but if you use for example 64 like in the example below then change it to this value. 4. Make sure when using scaled ADS these values are set correctly in the savegamefile. GstInput.SoldierUniformAimingCoefficient 0 GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll 1 GstInput.SoldierUniformAiming 1 GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 1 (use 0 when your using normal non-scaled ADS) GstInput.MouseRawInput 1 Like this And the result for this example calculation is GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityCloseRange 1.340037 so make sure you change this in your savegame file And everything should work perfectly!
  16. So, if i want the same on-screen distance between desktop and BF4 i need to put in the actual FOV i use in BF4 (which is 64 vertical) into the desktop calculator instead of the default gray 55? Because it seems, when i try to measure this and i say try because i need to use a reference point in-game and aim towards that i always overshoot in desktop mode meaning my BF4 sens. seems to be higher then my desktop sens. even when the calculator tells me otherwise. so like this it should give me a 1 on 1 on-screen distance
  17. thank you for the instant update DPI Wizard really helps. Now i know where my money goes to every month!
  18. indeed it's completely changed. If you can update ASAP would be great thx in advance edit: it seems that the gunner turret sens. is the same as the on foot "hip-fire" sens. but isn't the case with the main turret
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