- Thanks for the response, but I just linked below an alternative calculator, that just feels a lot more like what I'm used to, idk why.
- I think the 1.7 hipfire sens, just makes a lot of sens, because of the higher fov in apex, it makes tracking the targets a lot more natural and the 0.95 averaged ADS sens, just feels a lot more natural for me, idk why this one feels better - just thought i'd point this stuff out.
- the first game i played with those settings from the alternative calculator, i got a 7 kill win and it just felt super easy to aim, track, control recoil etc - maybe a fluke, but I've had a hard time finding settings that I like for this game, when ur calculator usually works for me instantly, the first try.
- source: https://jscalc.io/calc/TKGNIJMspWOq3A8t