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mattiasheen's Achievements

  1. You have 6x selected Edit: Never mind, didin't see the whole text
  2. Alright, thanks!
  3. But to which setting is the the calculator working for? There is no option to change it.
  4. Playing without ads field of view would be the best, right? Or should 1x zoom have the same fov as when not aiming down the sights?
  5. It's impossible ( http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=inverse+y(x)%3Darctan(ax)%2Farctan(bx) ) You can recast the function in a few forms, but none help. For example y(x) = log(1 - alpha)/log(1 - beta) for alpha = iax and beta = ibx
  6. Ohh, alrighty then ^^ So, Coeff 0.017778 and zoomall 0.818975?
  7. Well, I want the crosshair movement to be the same on ALL zoom levels. Is it right then?
  8. Ohh, so does Coeff 1.33 and zoomall 0.818975 sound good?
  9. Alright, so should I set zoomall to 0.818975 and coeff to 0.017778? I want to match it @ 1%
  10. Hey, someone helped convert my csgo zoom sensitivity (0.81) to the bf1 coefficient (0.017778) Is this right? If so, how do you make these calculations? I wanna do it with the csgo zoom sensitivity of 0.818975 instead of 0.81 Thanks!
  11. Alright, I'll try this. Should I set the zoom sensitivity back to 100%? Edit: works like a charm! Thanks
  12. Dude, I'm asking for the zoom sensitivity, nothing else.
  13. What would you suggest? Coeff @ 133% and 0.81 zoom sens?
  14. Well, it's pretty damn hard to use the site atm since no one knows the real solution.
  15. I tried this: My csgo zoom sensitivity = 0.81 I got this by matching my hipfire sensitivity (2.35 @400dpi) @ 1% I went ahead and set my zoom sensitivity in battlefield to 0.81 with the coefficient of 1%. This feels good, but I'm not sure if it's the way to do it. I'd love to have an exact sensitivity so I can work that muscle memory up Got any better solution?
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